Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Stop Living For People

I have to admit, I keep up with celebrity news. Jon & Kate, Miley Cyrus, Jonas Brothers, all of them. I read their tweets and search for their news. If you haven’t been living under a rock for the past few weeks, then you know of the tragedy that occurred… Miley Cyrus deleted her twitter account! Ok, maybe I exaggerated when I said ‘tragedy.’ But that’s not the point. I read Miley’s tweets and I saw it as a way for her to connect with her fans. So, at first, I’ll confess, I was a little disappointed that she deleted it. After all, I’m extremely nosy! But I wasn’t surprised. After the world of Miley fans broke down, Miley herself posted a video on YouTube explaining her reasons. She even made a little rap for us, full on with background dancers. Out of the whole rap explanation, the one line that caught my attention the most, Miley said this: “I stopped living for moments, and started living for people….. I ain’t living for tabloids, I’m living for me.” Miley mentions that everything she typed and everything she did was turned into news by gossip sites. Who wouldn’t want out of that? But those 2 lines that I quoted can apply to more than just Miley. One of the biggest problems in our world today is the fakeness of the people. It seems like every day, we change ourselves more and more to impress the people around us. We stop living for ourselves and we stop living for the moments, and instead we start living for people. In this world, finding acceptance is extremely hard. No matter how hard we try, we just can’t seem to be allowed to be ourselves. There’s always something we have to change about ourselves to be accepted by the people around us. This is how we ‘live for people.’ It takes time to realize that that really doesn’t matter at all. We have to live for ourselves and be who we are.(When I say this, I don't mean in an egoistical, self-centered way, but in a way where we are who God created us to be and we live that way, happy with ourselves.) We have to open our eyes and live as the person that God created us to be without trying to change to earn acceptance from people. Probably my all time favorite verse in the bible is Romans 12:2. In this verse, God tells us not to conform to the patterns of this world. We have to learn that God made us in an incredibly special way, and we don’t have to change anything about ourselves for him. If people don’t accept you the way you are, then that may be their problem, not yours. Being who you are and accepting yourself that way is hard, but worth it. Nobody can change who you are and nobody can tell you to change who you are. God made us all so special and the love he has for each one of us will not change, ever. We have to stop living for people and start living for ourselves. This world isn’t about being liked or accepted, but more about being the best you that you can be and not worrying about changing for anyone else. Like Miley said goodbye to twitter and lame gossip sites, we should say goodbye to acceptance and identity fights.

Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God's will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will.
Romans 12:2

Amy :)

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