Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Like A Butterfly

I can never find the right words to start a blog. I thought that might be a good start :)
So, I've been searching for pictures... not much is coming up. But I didn't want to make you wait any longer. So, I started looking through the 11,139 (exact) pictures on my computer. I found a lot of pictures of butterflies. Well, like usual, that got me thinking. I think of two main things. One, how God is like a butterfly and two, how we should be more like butterflies.

1. Butterflies tend to fly around our mini garden in front of our house a lot. One day, I spent a little while watching them and it was a great joy. I just found something on the internet and it said, "What purpose do butterflies serve for humans?" The answer that someone gave said this, "I don't know the scientific answer, but have you ever seen a butterfly and not felt even a little bit happier?" I really like that answer. When watching butterflies carelessly fly around and around, you just tend to smile. Well, I do. Not sure about everyone else. So, I was thinking about God. If we take the time to think about Him and His amazing love for us, don't we always just feel a little bit happier? I don't know about you, but when I think about how much God loves me and when I think about all the things He has done for me, I always feel happier. There's a new BarlowGirl song that says, "Our worlds collide, I'm lost in time, Heaven kisses me tonight. Your heart with mine, it beats in time, now I know why I'm alive." When I listen to that song and I think about my relationship with my Holy Father, I always feel happier. I know it's not the same for everyone, but when we have that deep relationship with God, then we will feel happier when we think about Him and His abundant love. That small butterfly that flies around our flowers can bring a smile to our face. Well, if a butterfly can do that, then imagine what God can do :)

2. The second thing I see in butterflies is their lack of fear. There are lots of animals, bugs, etc. that run away when you get near them. If you see a cockroach and try to kill it, it runs away. That's a normal impulse for insects and animals. But butterflies are different. When I was sitting on my porch one day, trying to get a picture of a butterfly, they flew all around me. They weren't scared of me. I am, of course, way bigger than them, but they're not frightened. I was so surprised when I sat on the porch as a butterfly flew into my camera lens. (Too bad, my finger was too slow) I was surprised when I walked into the yard and yellow butterflies swarmed around me. Those small, defenseless creatures are not scared of me. I think that this is how we need to be in our lives. I'm not saying we're all scared of people, but we all have fears. One of the most common fears among people is our fear to make mistakes. Our fear to be wrong. I have this like many others. But maybe, like butterflies, we should be less scared. God is bigger and stronger than all those fears we have and that's what makes Him so much more amazing. We're all going to make mistakes. We're all going to be wrong sometimes, but we don't have to be afraid of that. Just like the butterflies aren't afraid of me, I don't have to be afraid of being wrong. In our weakness, God is strong. We are like butterflies, flying through this life. We're small and weak, but we don't have to be scared. We don't have to be afraid of those bigger than us, we don't have to be afraid of failing because God is strengthening us every day.

I'm not saying we have to fly through life carelessly, but we can walk through this life, knowing that in Christ we are strong and knowing that in Christ, no fear can break us. That's the power of our Father.

*Amy :) (A weak, scared fearless butterfly continuously getting stronger.)

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