Monday, October 12, 2009

'A Beautiful Mess'

I'm making up for my long absence by posting another 'Picture Of The Week.'
I've been wanting to use a picture that I took myself, so I am doing that now. I took these pictures a little less that 2 weeks ago. My guitar is my model :)

I came up with this post when I was looking at all my pictures after I took them. This is originally my Mom's guitar, but I use it. When you first look at these pictures, you can see that this guitar is obviously not in the best shape. It's pretty old. You can see dents, scratches and chipped paint. The strings are held on to the guitar by beads that I found in my room, and some of the tuning knobs are breaking. All of this proves that this guitar is... beat up. But, under all of these imperfections, there is something you can't see. Something more important than the appearance. Something beautiful. This is what comes out of the guitar. Regardless of the old, beat-up shape, the sound that this guitar makes is beautiful, not perfect, but beautiful. Aren't we the same way? On the outside we're beat up. Our appearances show dents, scratches and imperfections. Why? Because we're not perfect. We're messy. Our outsides show this. There is a song by Matthew West and it has a line in it that says, "You're the one who looks at me, and sees who I was meant to be. More than just this beautiful mess." I love this line, because we're all like this. We are a beautiful mess, but God sees the beauty inside of that mess. Beyond our scratches, beyond our dents, and beyond our imperfections, there is something greater and something more beautiful inside of us. In our hearts, there is something different, something that is far better than all those bruises that we focus our lives on. This is the love of Christ. The love of God that is in our hearts far surpasses everything that is on the outside. That love travels far beyond any of those imperfections. Just like my guitar. The beautiful noise that comes out of that old, beat-up piece of wood is far greater than any of those dents and scratches on the outside. None of us are perfect. We weren't created to be perfect. But those imperfections that we all have will never compare to the amazing thing inside of our hearts. That love of Christ that rests inside of us is beautiful and that love shines through our heart. It shines through and it shines brighter than any of those dents. Our imperfections are nothing compared to the love that God has placed in our hearts. Just like the beautiful sound that comes out of my guitar, God's beautiful love shines through us.

'But I am like an olive tree flourishing in the house of God; I trust in God's unfailing love for ever and ever.' Psalm 52:8

*Amy :)

1 comment:

  1. You are an amazing photographer! I wish my parents digital camera was better. As it is I have taken some really good ones. Most of the time they turn out rotten but all the time I spend is worth it when I get that single perfect pic.
