Sunday, October 18, 2009

A Light That Shines Brighter

I kind of really need to blog so I'll go ahead and post another 'Picture Of The Week' for you.  Yesterday, we went and visited some of our friends at a campsite where they were spending the weekend. I took some really good pictures, and this one in particular I am going to talk about.  So, yes, this is another picture that I took. 

I've taken more pictures like this before, but I didn't start thinking about this until now.  What I think is cool about this picture is the sun shining through the trees. I'm sure we've all heard the song or expression that says, "There's a light at the end of this tunnel."  That's kind of what I see in this picture.  The trees represent all those things in our life that are obstacles or problems.  Things we think that we'll never get through or things that seem to block our minds from everything else in life.  The beauty of this picture is that the sun shines through those obstacles. The sun shines through all those things in our life that we hate.  Those trees are just like all the problems that we face every day throughout our lives.  They stand tall and hover over us, making us believe that we can't get past them. They make us think that we'll never see anything better.  BUT like the light at the end of the tunnel, there's also a sun shining through those trees.  God's beauty shines through our lives just like this.  All those problems and obstacles don't compare to that light that shines through them.  God's love is bright and beautiful.  God's love and beauty can overpower anything "ugly" in our lives.  Those problems or trees can stand as tall and powerful as they want, but God's light will still find a way through. That's the power and beauty of our God.  Nothing can hide His love from us. We can't do anything to lose it either.  That's what the love of a Father looks like.  It looks like a bright light that will shine through and brighter than anything!

*Amy :)

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