Tuesday, September 29, 2009

'A Beautiful Display'

New blog feature: 'Picture of The Week!'

I've always loved to travel. My whole life, we've gone to many different places and I have been on an airplane many, many times. I've always loved airports, sitting and waiting for your plane to be ready, running around and looking at the souvenir shops, and experiencing the fear of walking through that security. Traveling is just something that I really enjoy doing. It gives me the opportunity to see new places and experience new things. I'm a natural born tourist :)

Anyways, for my first 'picture of the week', I wanted to post a picture of a place that I've never been, but always wanted to go. Actually, there are many places like this. I have a thing for big cities. I love all the lights, bridges and tall buildings. So, out of the many big cities I would love to visit, one of them is Chicago. I found this beautiful picture of it the other day:

This picture got me thinking. When you look at it you see beautiful colors, amazing sky, water, and lots of buildings. I looked at it for awhile and had this thought. We are all kind of like these buildings. By "we," I mean, WE as people. We are all different shapes, sizes, types, and colors but when we come together, we make a beautiful scene. I know I'm taking a lot out of this simple picture, but it's true! This picture is magnificent and beautiful, just like we are as God's children. We all have our own special purpose and design just like these buildings. We're all different, but when we come together, we make this amazing picture.
Tobymac has a new song called 'City On Our Knees.' (Look I'm talking about songs again) This is an amazing song about being one family under Christ and being one special city. There's one line in this song that I particularly love and it says this:

"Tonight’s the night
For the sinners and the saints

Two worlds collide in a beautiful display"

I think that these lyrics just perfectly display what I'm talking about with this picture. This is actually the picture in my head when I listen to this song. We're all so different, just like the buildings in this picture. But none of that matters when we come together and make a beautiful display. We are one city under one King and it's amazing. I love how one incredible picture can relate so well to our lives. Looking at this picture makes me see how amazing we all really are as God's children. We really do make a beautiful display when we stand together. All our differences and faults are forgotten when our worlds collide and we become a city, one city under one King.

"Cause its all love tonight
When we step across the line
We can sail across the sea
To a city with one king
A city on our knees"
-Tobymac (City On Our Knees)

*Amy :)

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