Thursday, September 17, 2009

My First Interview::: Featuring 'Beauty of A Rose'

This week, I was talking to my cousin some, and we decided to interview each other. First of all, it's fun and we could use it on our blogs, and secondly, we thought we'd get to know a little more about each other. So, I sent her a page of 30 questions, divided into 3 categories and she did the same for me. I just answered hers, and you will be able to see them *HERE* on her blog (when she posts it). She also answered all my crazy questions and I am going to post them. We decided that next time we see each other, we are going to swap questions and make videos, so I'll post that when it happens. Rachel is almost 16 years old and she's very sweet and smart. You'll learn a lot about her through these questions, and you can view her blog, Beauty Of A Rose *HERE*.

Questions/Answers: ALL ABOUT RACHEL!

Category 1: General/Random Questions

1. What are some hobbies that you enjoy? I really love to dance it is very fun and shows a different side of my personality. I really like cooking and have been in to that a lot lately it’s a lot of fun! I love photography and that is another way to show my personality through my photos. Writing is one of my favorite things to do even if it’s for school I love to write I could do it all day. 2. What are 2 things you want to accomplish before you die? I really want to go to Italy that is like the ultimate Dream of mine and to get at least one of my books published that actually tops the Italy dream but hey I will settle for one.

3. If you could only keep one of your possessions, what would it be? I would have to say my camera because you can’t remake memories and that is something that I really enjoy doing. Is making memories that last a life time and capturing the moment.

4. If you had to describe yourself in just 3 words, what would they be? Three words? Wow that's a hard one. Um Caring, Loyal, and Funny.

5. How would you describe your “style?” Style... um all over the place haha seriously it’s all over the place I don’t know how I keep up with it.

6. What is your favorite flavor of ice cream and why? Vanilla. Everyone thinks it’s bland but really it is so yummy and you can put anything you want in it :) Bryers is my favorite brand.

7. What is you absolute biggest passion? Writing - I can say and do anything with writing and I can express myself so well with words.

8. Have you ever watched a movie that dramatically changed your life? If so, what was it? Facing the Giants. I saw it when I was thirteen and it really changed the way I looked at God and my relationship with him for the better. To this day I can’t watch it without crying throughout the whole thing like I did the first time I watched it.

9. If you had 3 wishes, what would they be? (You can’t wish for more wishes!) Three wishes hmmm ok my first wish is that I would have a little more confidence not like “I so fabulous and better than everyone” confidence but just a little bit more faith in myself and the things I do. Second wish that my second sister and I would have had a better relationship when we were younger. Now she’s gone we can’t fix it. One more wish I know what I want more than anything else. My last wish is for a good husband because I know the things my sisters have gone through I just pray that, those thing will never happen to me or my younger siblings. And that he will love me for who I am and be the best thing in my life. That he has a heart for God and will love me all of his life until death do we part. That is really what I want. :)

10. What is your all time favorite word and why? My favorite word would have to be Love. Mainly because it describes so much emotion and if you really think about it every one uses the word love there isn’t a single person out there that doesn’t and it’s such an amazing word it just means so much.

Category 2: Deep/Personal Questions

1. What do you think is the most important thing about your faith? Trying to keep it when everyone else in the world is against you and you know what you are doing is the right thing but there is still the peer pressure.

2. How do you see God? I see God as a father above all fathers and I know he loves me. Like all fathers he believes in us but sometimes will put us to the test to really show him how much we have learned and what we know. God keeps us on a path that leads straight to him but sometimes lets us stray from him having enough faith in us to always come back. And there he will always be waiting.

3. If you were to have the opportunity to talk to a big group of all teenage girls, what is something you would tell them? Never ever lose your faith no matter what happens it is the only thing that will get you through whatever it is that you are going through. There is nothing that can ever take away your faith so hold on to it and you will be ok.

4. What passage in the bible is your favorite and why? ‘To every thing there is a season and a time to every purpose under the heaven. Ecclesiastes 3:1’ it means so much because it is so true. There is a time for everything. It’s not like it is going to snow in summer because there is a season for that. Just like in life there is a season for hardship and a season for rejoicing. So that is why it is my favorite.

5. What is one thing you would change about the world if you could? That everyone would not be so blind to what God has to offer them and all of his blessings.

6. Is there anything that you have an extremely strong opinion about? I would have to say abortion. Because it technically is murder they don’t say it is but it is and I think it is extremely wrong. And it also emotionally damaging as well as physically then when it comes time to actually have children you are emotionally challenged in that area. Plus God gave that life to you to take care of and guard not to kill.

7. As a teenage girl, what is your personal view on ‘dating?’ Well I think it isn’t just for like a fun thing and that you shouldn’t do just because everyone else is doing it. It is a way to get to know the person you might be spending the rest of your life with. That is a really big deal because if you date just to date then why are you really doing it. If you don’t have purpose for dating it then you shouldn’t be doing it. And when you are a teenager you can’t get married right away so why should you date you can’t do anything about it until you are at least twenty or so. Even then you could find out they were the wrong person for you and then you will have wasted your time.. When there might have been the right guy for you and they didn’t get a chance to know you because you were in another relationship and you could miss out on something really wonderful. And with dating to young you can get really hurt and maybe even worse so its not even about oh I don’t date because I think it’s bad. No I don’t date because I am may not be mature enough and I am protecting myself for my husband to be. When you get married you don’t want to be used goods you want to be everything that you should be for your husband and in dating you can sometimes give a little bit too much of yourself away. I am not saying dating is a bad thing I am just say for me I want to wait for the right guy and know that I am ready and mature enough. Right now I know I am not.

8. When you are having a completely terrible day, what can always makes it better? A really good song along with a prayer and my bible. When I read the bible I feel so uplifted and stronger somehow than I was before.

9. What is a song that describes your life, and how? I thought it might be hard to choose one but I think its “Sunrise” by Brandon Heath. It talks about being lost in the night and trying to find the sun. It is really what my family is going through right now. And when the lyrics say, “Holding your days like a stack of paper. Then you're chasing the wind as the pages scatter. You can save a few but you can't get ‘em all back.” That is really what we all are going through. It is really hard but I know that there will be sunshine up ahead.

10. What is a question that you have for God? Why? I tend to put it in front of everything that I ask him. Why this? Why that? Why God Why? And almost every time I kind of get the same answer ‘Because I love you.’ Even if the thing that I ask are because things are going bad it is still because he loves me and wants me to learn from my mistakes or just from the hard times. Hard times are not because he want to see us struggle but because he wants us to become stronger. Not just mentally but emotionally as well. God brings us hardships for our own benefit you might think they are never ending but God always has a plan and you just have to trust in him to bring you the sunshine at the end of the day.

Category 3: Funny Questions

1. What is the strangest food you have ever tasted? Hmmmm broccoli sprouts. They are like broccoli with roots before it’s actually becomes broccoli and they are really nasty. I don’t like them at all.

2. If you could create your own word, what would it be? Come on I mean I do that like every day. But it would have to be word-erd. I just said it one day because my brother was being a goof and it stuck so now that’s my word and I say it.

3. What is your most embarrassing moment? Ok so there are these oyster crackers that my family eats and when I was little I didn’t eat any crackers with holes in them. So now when we have those crackers my parents offer me ones with holes in them and that is really embarrassing to me and of course they just think it funny.

4. If you starred on a comedy show, and you had to do something super funny, what would you do to make everyone laugh? Probably say something that no one was expecting me to say and not what I was supposed to be saying.

5.. What answer do you think would make this joke the best joke ever: Why’d the chicken cross the road? (P.S. He did not want to get to the other side) He wanted to be a fried chicken. Haha that was so lame.

6. What is the funniest word you’ve ever heard and why? Froths- I don’t know I guess it's when people use it in a sentence when they are mad it just sound really funny. Like “That Froths me, that just froths me!”

7. If animals could talk, what would you ask them? Why are you talking? You shouldn’t be talking you’re an animal stop talking.

8. If you had to write a super silly story, what would it be about? My brother I can totally make something up something silly and funny about him.

9. Do you have an embarrassing talent? Well I don’t know it this counts but I can twist my tongue around so you can see the bottom but ya I don’t know if that will count. :)

10. Finally, what is the funniest memory from your childhood? Actually I don’t really remember that much from my childhood but there is one thing that really sticks with me. I was about 5 years old and my mom kept boiling cubes in the kitchen and they were wrapped in yellow foil. So of course being 5 I thought they were candy. I asked every time she used them if I could have one to eat and she kept telling me that they were not candy but of course I still asked her for one. So one day she let me have one and I ate it. Then spit it out on the floor. It was so not funny then but now I kind of think it is.

There you go! That was my interview with my amazing cousin, Rachel!!! I hope you enjoyed learning more about her!!!! To read the interview that she gave ME, visit her blog, Beauty of A Rose. And hopefully another interview will come soon, (a video one.)

*Amy :)

1 comment:

  1. Luv ur blog! Just thought I'd take a peek since you follow Sal and I's Modest is Hottest blog:-)
    That sounds like such a neat idea, interviewing each other!
