Thursday, September 3, 2009

BarlowGirl:::: "Love And War"

Obviously I am a HUGE BarlowGirl fan. ‘Love and War’ just came out and I have to say, the girls outdid themselves on this album. With meaningful, deep lyrics, and amazing, brilliant music, I was left speechless after listening to each of the full songs. BarlowGirl is known for living their extreme lives on the edge. BarlowGirl has a voice and they use it! Everyone who has heard their music hears their deep passion and longing to change the world. We hear through each of their songs, on all the albums, the amazing love these girls have for God. ‘Love and War’ brought that love and passion to a whole new level. The album focuses on the two extremes that the girls see in their lives. One is war, which is of course their fight to change the world, their fight to start a movement and their fight for LOVE. This is the next extreme on the album, as the girls mentioned that everything we do in this world is for love. With Lauren Barlow’s deep desires, Alyssa Barlow’s beautiful vocals, Rebecca’s Barlow’s amazing harmonies, all the girl’s outstanding musical abilities, and of course, the passion, this album will leave you speechless and smiling with tears falling out of your eyes.

The album opens with an upbeat, lively song called ‘Come Alive.’ This song is almost like a newer version of ‘Million Voices’ which we heard on the other album. With lines like “Break down the doors of our comfortable room, tear down the walls we never could see through” and “we fight for love and we live to die,” this song wants to make you get out and do something. “Come Alive” is a perfect opening to the album as it expresses the Barlow’s extreme passion for God.

The second track on the album is much like the first song, in rising up. This song’s lyrics express the girl’s passion, yet again, but in a new form. With lyrics like these: “We will open heavens, we will start the flame. All the earth will shake now, as we scream your name.”
BarlowGirl knows about spreading the love of God among many people, because they do this every time they step foot on stage. The bridge of this song will cause you to close your eyes and sing along as the music slows down, singing ‘Hallelujah’ multiple times.

Hit single, ‘Beautiful Ending’ is the 3rd track on the album. Many of us are already familiar with this song as it was the first single and also the music video for ‘Love and War.’ BarlowGirl has seen many people, who began their lives doing a ministry for God, but through it all, lost God. BarlowGirl’s expresses their desire to stay with God through this whole journey. “At the end of it all, I want to be in your arms” says the extremely powerful bridge. Becca Barlow also mentioned in an interview that this song is appealing to a lot of fathers. In a time of the economy breaking down, many people are losing their job, and see this song as a comfort through tough times like that. Becca mentions her happiness in this because it makes the girls realize what a variety of audiences their music reaches.

Track number 4 is a very personal song and a song whose lyrics are extremely amazing. ‘Stay with Me’ talks about an experience that one of the girls went through while writing this album. She mentions that she had a very tough time with the busyness of the industry and didn’t see where God was leading her. She even considered just quitting it all. The lyrics say this: “my steps never felt so hard. The end never looked so far. If you won't take me out then please take me through this.” Alyssa shows her struggles through this song, and explains how God showed her that this is not forever and He will guide her through it, because He does have a plan for the rest of their lives. Another very powerful bridge says this: “With you here I know I don't go alone. I am yours and so through the fire I go....” We all go through fires in our life, but for God, we can do it, and with God we can do it because we’re not alone.

Track number 5 on this album is an amazing love song between the girls and God. ‘Our Worlds Collide’ will leave a smile on your face as it expresses God’s amazing love in each of our lives. With loving lyrics like these, “Our worlds collide, I'm lost in time, heaven kisses me tonight. Your heart with mine, it beats in time and I know why I am alive.”
This song makes me smile so big as I feel God’s love through the words.

Track number 6 is another beautiful love song, titled ‘Love Is Marching.’ This song talks both about fighting throughout our lives, and also about love. This song defines clearly how everything we do is for love. “And every one will pass. So when we breathe our last...... can we say we have lived for more and did we live to die for la la la love” This song has beautiful music and the lyrics show yet more passion.

Track number 7 is more upbeat than the last few and one of my favorites. ‘Running Out Of Time’ is all about letting this world hear our voice. This track tells us that time is short and we have to make a difference while we can, because we are running out of time. This song is very powerful and fun to listen to. We don’t have to be scared to make a difference in this world. “That this is a war so pick your side. It’s time to move not time to hide. Don't let lies make up your mind, cause can't you see, were running out of time.”

Track number 8 is the biggest rock song on the album and also the one whose lyrics have a very big impact on my life personally. “Time for you to go” is definitely one of my all time favorites of this album as it talks about the addictions of this world, especially in media. This song will make you sing along and tap your foot with its upbeat music and amazing lyrics. ‘Time for You to Go’ expresses all the things in this world that we get so easily addicted to, including the lies in this media. It talks about other people telling us what to think , and other people deciding what we do, until we’re so sucked in that we can’t think for ourselves. Wow, these lyrics are amazing. Part of the chorus says “No more wasting my life on these world’s addictions. Time for me to take you down from your place. I am letting go, it’s time for you to go.”
The song gets even better when it slows down for the amazing bridge. “We’re missing out on his voice. We’ve traded God for ashes. We got to think for ourselves. Where’s our passion?”
This song makes us really think, and I love it!

After the amazing rock song, the album slows back down for another beautiful love song. ‘Sing Me A love Song’ may make tears fall from your eyes from the gorgeous music or the astounding, loving lyrics between you and God. “And sing me a love song again; say the words that heal my heart. Sing me your love song and then. Let your words remind me who I am.”
Just thinking about God singing a love song to you is just amazing. The pre chorus says. “Will you please hold me?” This is my favorite line ever. God is holding all of us and it is the most amazing feeling to know that God is always there holding us in His loving arms. During this, he’s singing us a love song. One word for this song… WOW!”

The most emotional and softest song on the album is track number 10, ‘Tears Fall.’ BarlowGirl mentioned this being the most challenging song to write. This song focuses on the girl’s pro life stance in life and talks about a view of abortion. BarlowGirl brought in a choir and many different musical styles for this song and very deeply expressed their views with lyrics like these: “may our tears fall down. Let them soften this ground. May our hearts be found. God forgive us now.” This song WILL make your tears fall.

This absolutely amazing album ends with a fun, upbeat song called ‘Hello Sunshine.’ I actually heard, just today that this song is about the sunshine in Florida. BarlowGirl loves to visit here and go to the beach, so that’s where the inspiration came from. This song talks about being so busy in life that we forget to just feel the sunshine on us. We get so preoccupied in everything we do; we forget the smallest, most obvious joys in life. Chorus: “Oooh my lovely, shining for me. Let my eyes see all the beauty.” The song ends with a minute of instrumentals that are amazing and will leave your face with a smile as they slowly fade out.

There you go, definitely the best album BarlowGirl has ever created, when we thought they couldn’t get any better. With the musical styling’s that cannot be described in words, and the extreme passion in all of the lyrics, we have heard yet another chapter of these amazing girls lives. Their music causes me to think about things in my life, and this album has really been the most personal to me. The beautiful love songs are amazing, and the upbeat, ‘war’ songs are awesome. BarlowGirl outdid themselves on this album, and I am going to listen to it over and over.

Listen to the full album at
See 'Beautiful Ending' music video (AMAZING) *HERE*
Read all the powerful, passionate lyrics *HERE*

Thank you Becca, Alyssa, and Lauren Barlow for creating this amazing album that I am sure will change many lives. You 3 are so wonderful and this is these are the absolute best songs I have heard my whole life, from anyone!
No one word can describe 'Love And War,' but 3 come to mind: Amazing, Passionate, Life-changing.

*Amy :)

Support BarlowGirl and buy their new album 'Love And War' in stores on September 8th!

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