Thursday, September 10, 2009

"Open My Eyes...."

Ok, I think it might be time to blog some again! Wow, I'm so sorry! I am SO late with this!!!
I really need to do another song, so I will do that now. But before I do, I want to share THIS link. This is a Joyce Meyer TV episode featuring a story on Rebecca Barlow (from BarlowGirl's) eating disorder. I encourage you to watch the video. When you click on the link, make sure you watch the video dated 09-9-2009 and you can skip to about 1:45 to see where they come on. There is a lot of talking from both Becca and also her family. The girls' parents are so nice, and it's cool to hear their input on their daughters' lives. So, if you have about 9 minutes of spare time, then I would encourage you to watch that. It's a very good video, it made me cry :) Again, click *HERE*

So, now I think maybe I should talk about another song... I'm only WAY too late!
Now, I really want to do a song of BarlowGirl's new album, Love & War, but of course, I've already done like 3 BarlowGirl songs, so I think it'd be better if I did a song by a band that I have not yet done. (But either way, check out BarlowGirl's new album, Love & War, in stores now!)
This band is Stellar Kart, and the song is called 'Eyes'

Read the lyrics *HERE*

This a really cool band. A lot of their songs are very 'fun' but they also have very good meanings. They have released 3 albums and are working on their 4th right now, set to release this month!

Anyways, this song talks about seeing the world and everything around us the way that God does. The first verse talks about seeing everything as 'cloudy' or 'grey' and trying so hard to find sunlight through pouring rain. And this song is so true. Especially when we are going through tough times or hardships, we just kind of see everything in a negative way. We just look around us and see all black and all fog. We feel like no good will every come and we'll never make it out of those tough times. But, while we are going through that, we forget that the sun is still shining and we forget to see everything as God sees it. The chorus of this song says this:

Open my eyes
I wanna see what you see
Beyond these beautiful lies

Open my eyes
To find what lasts forever
Look to the soul that's inside
Open my eyes

We so often swarm our lives with all these things that we truly forget to just open our eyes and see everything in a different way. This world really isn't all bad, even if it seems that way, and if we open our eyes and look past all the lies then maybe we can see that. I catch myself doing this all the time. I always complain about everything that's going on. I am the master of complaining! My house isn't big enough, my hair isn't long enough, our car is too old, you name it! I always complain about all the things in my life and I forget about all of the beauty and all of the good things in life. Wouldn't it just be amazing to see everything the way God sees it? "I wanna see what you see..." Wow, that would be so cool! I always have to remind myself to open my eyes and see the positive things in life and that's so important. There is so much light in this world and the sun shines so bright every day, but we have to look at it! When we open our eyes and look at the world and our lives in a different way, we actually become happier and more pleased with everything because we see so many amazing things. We'll still have our 'dark, gloomy' moments, but when we remember to just open our eyes and see the light, it will all change.

*Amy :)

Spread the optimism and happiness!

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