Sunday, September 13, 2009

This Is Who I Am...

Ok, so I have 2 more songs to write! Then, after I finish these two songs, I am going to start a new weekly thing on my blog :) I am not sure what yet, but some of the options include... music video of the week, picture of the week, word of the week, and more. We'll see which one I end up choosing :)

I am also doing an 'artist of the month' on the sidebar. Each month, I will change the artist and you can always click on the picture to go to their website. So, this post will be the second to last song of the week! :)
And for this song, I chose 'This is Who I Am' by Third Day. When choosing songs, I look through my library and now that I'm at 18 songs, I've done a song by almost all of my favorite artists. But the problem is that I could just talk about 40 songs from one artist, so in order to keep some diversity, I searched for a song that was by a band I haven't used yet.

So, this song is 'This Is Who I Am' and it's by Third Day, which is a band that's been around since 1991, before I was even alive and they are still amazing. They've won Gospel Music awards, 3 grammys, American music awards and they've had 6 gold and 2 platinum albums... PLUS they all have families. I have seen them in concert live twice now and they put on a heck of a show, it's a lot of fun to watch and be a part of. They kind of have a country sound to their music, but they make it better, because I hate country music, but I love them!

Anyways, this song is awesome! For awhile, it was my brother's absolute favorite song of all time, even though it's not his favorite band, so that's pretty cool. It's a short song but the music is great, and if you know the words, you'll sing along. The lyrics are pretty awesome too.

Read all of the lyrics and listen to the song... *HERE*

So, both of the verses state who the singer is...
"I'm a son of a good man, I'm the child of an angel, I'm the lover of a beauty, and I'm lookin' for direction...."

Then, we move into the chorus:

This is who I am
This is who I am

So take me and make me something so much more

This is who I am

This is who I am
So change me and make me someone better than before

Ok, so this song is amazing. I love how the lyrics just simply state 'This is who I am.' I'm not trying to be anything else, but myself. This is who I am and this is who God created me to be. I struggle with this a lot. I pay so much attention to celebrities and bands and actors and everything, that I find myself getting so jealous. Sometimes I just want to be famous, I want to be something so much more than myself. But then I stop and realize that God made me for a reason, God made me special and even though I may not see it, it's true. So for me, the simple lyric of 'This Is Who I Am' means a lot, because it reminds me that I am who I am and that's good enough.
Then, the lyrics add to that and say, 'take me and make me something so much more.' Now, this isn't changing the original meaning of the song. I'm still who I am, but I'm asking God to change me everyday. We're so special the way we are, because that's how God made us, but that doesn't mean that we can't change or improve every day to be more like Him. Each and every day, we can grow in Christ. We'll still be "US" but we'll be changing each and every day through Christ. I realize that my life is special. I am important because God created me in His very image, but I'm not perfect, and as each day progresses, and my relationship with my father gets stronger, I change. I am still ME but I grow in Christ and I change to be more like Him. It's such an incredible thing.

The bridge of this songs says...
Take me as I am But please don't leave me that way 'Cause I know that you can make me better than I am today

God will always take us... in fact He's already taken us. He's taken each and every one of us into His loving arms. And He has taken us exactly as we are... broken, helpless, whatever we are, God has taken us as we are. But He won't leave us that way, because like I said, each day as we live our lives with Christ, he changes us, and He will continue to do so, because we'll never be perfect. But, we will always be one step ahead of where we were yesterday. We will always be growing in Christ, every second of every day. God is continually working in us and making us better than we were the previous day. He's not changing who WE ARE, but He's changing our lives through Him... and He will always change us for the better.

So, This is who I am, but every day I am changing to become more like Christ.

But grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. To him be glory both now and forever! Amen.
2 Peter 3:18

1 comment:

  1. Thanks Amy, for this post! I have never heard the lyrics to that song and now I love them. By the way I love your blog and I have been following it for a while I thought you might like to know that your song posts have blessed me. I do something similar on my blog except I only write about songs that talk about what my blog's about.
