Thursday, August 27, 2009

'By Your Side' By Tenth Avenue North

So, it's time to blog about another song, but before I get to that, I just want to inform everyone who cares... about my life. I started college classes on Monday, and they are going good. It's definitely different than of course, what I'm used to but I like it. I am super tired all the time, but a 3 day weekend sure is making up for it :) So, I'm taking English, History, Ethics, and Algebra, and so far, I'm enjoying them all. So there's the school part of my life.
Also, I pre ordered BarlowGirl's new CD, Love & War and as of today it is coming out in 13 days :) So, I am super excited! Also, as far as I know, my family and I will be going to another BarlowGirl concert! This year, on November 13, BarlowGirl is coming to Florida for their Live Superchick/BarlowGirl tour, and we are planning on going, so of course I'm super excited for that!
It's going to be a great end of the year :)
September- BarlowGirl's new CD, October- Close family is coming over! :) November- BarlowGirl Concert! and then of course December-CHRISTMAS!
(To read more about BarlowGirl's new CD and hear song clips, click... *HERE* (Which will lead you to BarlowGirl's fansite) or you can just go to their website.

So, there's some lovely info about my exciting life. :) Just kidding.
Now, it's time for the song of the week. So, this week I'm choosing 'By Your Side' by Tenth Avenue North. This is a band that actually grew up in my Dad's home town of West Palm Beach, Florida and met at Palm Beach Atlantic, before it even became a university. The band name 'Tenth Avenue North' comes from the name of the street where 2 of the band member's house was located. So anyways, 'By Your Side' was one of their biggest hit songs that hit #1 and stayed there for 3 weeks. It will also be one of the tracks on WOW 2010 coming out this year in October. Read the lyrics *HERE* and watch the music video *HERE*. (If you wish to)
This song is written from God's perspective, talking to us, which sometimes I don't like songs like that, but I really like this one. The chorus of the song says:

I'll be by your side wherever you fall
In the dead of night whenever you call
Please don't fight these hands that are holding you
My hands are holding you

So, lately... well for awhile now, when I talk to God (which is all day, every day) I always tend to say to Him, "Please just hold my hand the whole way." That's what seems to get me through my days. Like, on my way to class this week, I always just asked God to hold my hand the whole way and not let me go. For me, whenever I'm nervous or anything, it's just so reassuring to know that God is by my side and with me all the time. It's reassuring to know that my hand is in His and he will not ever let go, which is exactly what this song is saying. I can't even go on and one about this song or elaborate it anymore. All I can say is exactly what the lyrics say. God is just always with us. Through our dark nights, through our tough times, through the fire, through everything, God is always by our side, holding us. So, when we're dealing with something hard, isn't it just the biggest reassurance to know that God is with us through it all? God is holding our hand the whole time. Whether we're starting school, starting work, dealing with family issues, or whatever, God is there with us as we go through it. His scarred, big, strong hands hold our small, weak ones as we deal with the troubles of this life. Not even just the troubles, God is by our side through the great times in our lives too, since we all know that life isn't all bad. :) God's there through it all, good, bad, easy, hard, he's there, By Our Side, leading us through.
The bridge of the song says:

And I, I love you
And I want you to know
That I, I'll love you
I'll never let you go

I think I've mentioned enough that God loves us SO much, but hey, you want to hear it again? Can you ever hear that enough?! :) My favorite line is the last one. "I'll never let you go."
We can screw up a million times, and completely fall, but God won't let us go. His hand will be in ours even when we fail, and He'll be there to pick us right back up, because He'll never let go of us. We are his children and His love is greater than anything mistake we could make. His strong, powerful hand is there, holding us and ready to pick us up. He will never, ever let go of us... NEVER!

*Amy :)

1 comment:

  1. I know what you mean.. These guys are AMAZING!!!
    I woke up listening to their album When Light Meets the Dark - I was singing and dancing all day long!
    I swear that in the walk with God they are indispensable companions.
