Tuesday, December 8, 2009

A Wonderful (Chex) Mix

Well, well, well... it's been a long time, hasn't it? I was just scrolling through my blog yesterday and realized I'm a few days overdue for a new picture... so today is the day.

(P.S. side note on my life- I am just a few hours away from my last final exam, therefore officially completing my first semester of college. And even more exciting... Christmas break starts! Yes!)

Ok, back to the blog...
So, my creative mind has failed me as I have had lots of trouble coming up with pictures, especially that relate to this season... I really wanted the Christmas theme to run through December all in my blog.  Well, I probably write about this way too much... (in every post) but I found a picture and an idea... so here goes...

Food.  It's not exactly Christmas related, but honestly, which one of us doesn't eat too much during this season? Yeah, nobody. We all eat like crazy. So, at this moment, I am actually eating some chex mix that my mom made.  This one has a lot of different snacks and flavors in it... so here came the idea...

My Grandma made a cookbook this year for every member of our family that had a short biography and recipe for each person. My recipe was for Monster Cookies, and I remember writing in my biography that all the different ingredients are so different from each other, but when they come together in the mix, they make a delicious cookie.   Just like Chex Mix.

Sometimes we put things in Chex Mix that we may not think go together too well.  Right now, I've mixed pretzels, chex cereal, peanuts, Ranch, Taco seasoning, crackers, wheat thins, and more all together in one little baggy.  When you think about it, it doesn't sound so great, because each of these foods is so different.  But the cool thing is, that when they all get mixed and jumbled together, they make a very great snack.
Now, let me get to how this applies to more than just food...  We are all made up of so many different things.... (not biologically) but our interests and hobbies and personalities.  Sometimes we like photography and dancing, or guitar and writing, or drums and art, or cooking and couponing.   Whatever our interests are, a lot of times they all vary.  Each hobby is different.  I love to play guitar, but I also love to write. Two very different things.  But all of our interests mixed together make a great mix... or in this case, a great person.

Sometimes there may be things in that mix that we don't like... a burnt pretzel or a flaw that we have.  An imperfection or something we don't like about ourselves... and sometimes we think that that small little flaw or problems will ruin the whole mix... but once it's mixed in with everything else, it's actually ok.  It tastes pretty good.  I'm not saying that we should always ignore our problems... but I'm saying that we're not perfect and one little flaw in our mix won't ruin us.  We all have so many great qualities and characteristics about us.  Sure, we all have those imperfections, but they will never ruin us as a whole.

*Amy :)

"I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well."
PSALM 139:14

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