Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Goodbye 2009, Hello 2010!

Hey hey hey!
So, this year is rapidly coming to an end. I am sad to see 2009 leave me... but I have never been more excited to start a new year! I have a blog post to write later... but wanted to leave a quick note right now, before I forget.

My family always writes a Christmas letter to all of our extended family and friends.  These past few years, my  brother and I have "done our part" and written a section by ourselves to all of our lovely friends and family.  I wanted to share a very short part that I wrote in mine...

I have learned so many incredible things this year. It would take up 100 Christmas letters to share them all, but by far the most important has been this:  Love has no guidelines or expectations. I can show love to all those around me regardless of what they have done or what I want them to be, because love is about who you are.  And as I give that unconditional love to those around me, I am also receiving it by my one true love, Jesus.
I found it so important to share that with everyone because it truly is the most important and life changing thing I have learned this year in 2009. I feel like a lot of my life, I have based my relationships on rules and things like "what I want to get out of this.'  Instead of just letting relationships live off of love and be based on love.  I think I've learned a lot this year about that love.  I feel like I've learned that I shouldn't have reasons to love people, but just simply love people for who they are.  People are not always going to be what I want them to be. That's part of individuality and being unique.  I've come to realize that and that's how relationships are formed. When you love someone for who they are and not what you what you want them to be.  That's something that I have really had to learn.  But, I admit, I'm much happier loving people unconditionally and without expectations... it's less stressful and it's helped me to lose a lot of that judgmental thinking.
So, there's my 2009 life lesson that I wanted to share. I am so incredibly excited for 2010.  I am starting my next 2 semesters in college, I am hopefully going to start learning this "driving" thing and I am extremely excited to see what God has in store for me with the rest of my life.  My 16th birthday is quickly approaching and I am so scared to grow up and I am so scared of the future.  But I am more excited than scared because I am going to let God take control.  In 2010, I think my goal will be to try and "let go!"  It's time for me to stop planning too far ahead, and just let God lead my life.  :) :)
If I had a hat on, I would tip it to 2009 and the amazing things it has done for me and everyone else. I hope all of you have a spectacular New Years and a spectacular start to 2010.  Let's make it the best year ever :)
I can't wait to watch that ball drop, once again, in New York City. (While I am wishing I was there.) ;)
So, thank you 2009 for memories, lessons, excitement, and the one year mark of my blog.
I will be back in 2010 to start a whole new year of blog postings :)
I love you all!
Love Amy :)
*I also want to dedicate this year and all of my blog postings from 2009 to my Opa, who passed away.  The hardest thing I have ever had to go through, but also the event that will mark this year forever. New Year's was a special time for him, and I will be thinking of him the whole time we celebrate.  This whole year will be a memory of him and all he has done for the people around him. He will never be forgotten and the 4 numbers 2009, along with many things, will remind me of him. And how much I loved him.  In everything I do, I want him to be watching from Heaven with a smile on his face, like he always had, while he has the time of his life with our Father, Jesus.*

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