Tuesday, December 8, 2009

30 Lessons From 2009

Since it's December, the last month of 2009, I wanted to post some lessons I have learned this year.  I was going to wait until the 31st, but decided to go ahead with it.  I think 2009 has probably been one of my favorite years.  It's been the year where the worst things have happened, but I've learned the most as well. So, here are 30 lessons I have learned from this year.

30 Lessons Learned In 2009

1. If you have long hair and get your first perm, it won’t last long.
2. In friendships, age doesn’t matter. I have 2 amazing friends. One is 10, one is 21. I love them both the same. Age just adds another guideline.

3. We spend way too much time judging and nitpicking other’s lives instead of just living our own the best we can.
4. When you’re homeschooled for 7 months, you become lazy.
5. I don’t have to be perfect for God to love me.
6. College isn’t necessarily harder than every other school; you just have to work harder.
7. It’s time to start ‘being’ instead of ‘doing.’ (Yes, that was a quote. Thank you David Fredrickson)
8. We’re all so special for being ourselves.  Being unique is not wrong. Being weird is not wrong. I’d rather be weird than normal.
9. Rebecca, Alyssa, and Lauren Barlow are some of the most amazing girls in the world. 
10. A Superchick/BarlowGirl concert could turn out to be one of the best nights of your life.
11. God’s not here to give us rules and punish us if we break them.
12. God loves us. Yes, it’s as simple as 3 words.
13.  We have to learn to open our clutching fists, let go, and move on sometimes.
14. ‘Love And War’ by BarlowGirl is the best album of all time.
15. Celebrities deserve to be treated like people.
16. Miley Cyrus is not a bad celebrity influence. She is still an amazing role model.
17. If your name is Miley Cyrus, quitting twitter could be a major milestone in your life.
18.  Bo’s Café may just be one of the best books ever written.
19. Guitar is the best instrument ever.
20. People don’t always understand you. But, that’s ok. They don’t have to.
21. We make love too complicated.
22. I love my dog more than anything in the world.
23. My parents are the best.
24. TLC has addicting TV shows.
25. A book about vampires could become a worldwide sensation and make 60 million dollars in one day for one movie.
26. Music videos make songs a hundred times better.
27. If you need to make an apology to a girl, buy flowers.
28. Blogs rock.
29. You never realize how much you love someone until they’re gone.  Cherish every moment you have with someone, because you never know when it could be over… like Kris Allen’s song, we got to live like we’re dying.
30. 2009 has been an amazing year.


  1. this is great!
    let me just say an AMEN to numbers 5,6,11,15,20,26,28,29..
    and ESPECIALLY numbers 9, 10, and 14.
