Sunday, December 20, 2009

Emmanuel- God With Us

So, I can feel and sense your excitement as Christmas is rapidly coming.  I am also extremely excited... 5 more days :) And then, I am so thrilled to be finishing off 2009 and starting a new year.  In the midst of everything that happened, I would still consider 2009 as one of my best years because I feel like I grew a lot.  I learned a lot and blogged a lot.

But before I skip ahead too far, I want to do a Christmas post and then tie it in with a picture as well.  Since, I am somewhat on time for once. It has been one week since my last picture post.  So, I was thinking about Christmas. Obviously.  Who couldn't think about Christmas when the decorations, movies, music, and food surround you day and night?  But anyways, I feel like an average "Christian" would write a blog post saying, "keep Christ in Christmas. It's about Him not the presents." Which, don't get me wrong. I FULLY agree with 100%.  But it sounds too automatic to say that.  Instead, I am going to focus on something a little different.  And it can basically be summed up in one word.  Emmanuel. (or Immanuel)

Out of the whole story of the birth of Jesus, my favorite verse, or line, is the one that says this:  "The virgin will be with child and will give birth to a son, and they will call him Immanuel --which means, "God with us." (This particular one is Matthew 1:23)

I think sometimes, we may read that and overlook the deep meaning and truth behind those three small words.  I love to talk about and write about the presence of God, and how He will always be with us, through everything.  It's just something that's important in my life and I like to share that.  I never realized this in the "Christmas story" until this year when.... like usual, someone posted it on their twitter.  I mean, I always knew the verse, and I always loved it, but I didn't realize until a little while ago how much it really meant to me.  It's incredible how amazing God's works are.  All the way back to the birth of Jesus, it's evident that God sent his son, giving Him the name Emmanuel to be with us forever.  And, like one of my previous posts, it's all in His name. 

I love how something from so long ago, is so important in many lives today.  That name that was given to God's own son is a name that can mean so much to so many people today.  The whole birth of Jesus, and the whole meaning of Christmas centers around this baby that was born to be with us, eternally, forever.  And it's all in His name.  Just the promise that is in those 3 little words is amazing to me. "God with us."  It couldn't be more simple, yet it couldn't get more deep and meaningful.  God is with us forever. For the rest of our time on this earth, and forever with us in Heaven when we will see Him face face.  I feel like Christmas is one of those times when we remember this promise.  Life gets crazy and sometimes we just get so overwhelmed and busy all the time, but I think that on Christmas, we can just relax and remember this promise that came out of Jesus' birth. The promise that God would be with us... now and forever.

Of course, I will be posting again in a week, or earlier... but in case I am late... I want to wish you all a very MERRY CHRISTMAS.  It's such a wonderful season.  A great holiday to celebrate family, eat lots of good food, reflect on the year, and enjoy one another's presence all while celebrating the birth of that One who saved us all.  It's pretty much amazing. :)  So, I hope you all have a spectacular Christmas!

*Amy :)

"Hallelujah, Light has come. A child is born to save us all. Jesus. Hallelujah, we've been found. A Savior who will set us free. A promise for those who believe."

-'Hallelujah, Light Has Come' by BarlowGirl


  1. And you know, the Christmas story is not just in Matthew and Luke. It plays out through the entire Bible. He has been with us and our ancestors for thousands of years, but He only became an object you can see, a human, that day so long ago when He was born. Last year for a Christmas service my sister and I sang song that went "Emanuel, Emanuel, His name is called Emanuel, God with us, revealed in us, His name is called Emanuel". Way cool right?

  2. Yeah exactly, it's seriously awesome :) It was even mentioned in Isaiah before Jesus was born, which is just amazing. I can't believe I've never heard that song! :) It sounds great!!!

  3. awesome! I love when im reading a verse that i've read before so many times and then something new hits me in the face haha.
