Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Goodbye 2009, Hello 2010!

Hey hey hey!
So, this year is rapidly coming to an end. I am sad to see 2009 leave me... but I have never been more excited to start a new year! I have a blog post to write later... but wanted to leave a quick note right now, before I forget.

My family always writes a Christmas letter to all of our extended family and friends.  These past few years, my  brother and I have "done our part" and written a section by ourselves to all of our lovely friends and family.  I wanted to share a very short part that I wrote in mine...

I have learned so many incredible things this year. It would take up 100 Christmas letters to share them all, but by far the most important has been this:  Love has no guidelines or expectations. I can show love to all those around me regardless of what they have done or what I want them to be, because love is about who you are.  And as I give that unconditional love to those around me, I am also receiving it by my one true love, Jesus.
I found it so important to share that with everyone because it truly is the most important and life changing thing I have learned this year in 2009. I feel like a lot of my life, I have based my relationships on rules and things like "what I want to get out of this.'  Instead of just letting relationships live off of love and be based on love.  I think I've learned a lot this year about that love.  I feel like I've learned that I shouldn't have reasons to love people, but just simply love people for who they are.  People are not always going to be what I want them to be. That's part of individuality and being unique.  I've come to realize that and that's how relationships are formed. When you love someone for who they are and not what you what you want them to be.  That's something that I have really had to learn.  But, I admit, I'm much happier loving people unconditionally and without expectations... it's less stressful and it's helped me to lose a lot of that judgmental thinking.
So, there's my 2009 life lesson that I wanted to share. I am so incredibly excited for 2010.  I am starting my next 2 semesters in college, I am hopefully going to start learning this "driving" thing and I am extremely excited to see what God has in store for me with the rest of my life.  My 16th birthday is quickly approaching and I am so scared to grow up and I am so scared of the future.  But I am more excited than scared because I am going to let God take control.  In 2010, I think my goal will be to try and "let go!"  It's time for me to stop planning too far ahead, and just let God lead my life.  :) :)
If I had a hat on, I would tip it to 2009 and the amazing things it has done for me and everyone else. I hope all of you have a spectacular New Years and a spectacular start to 2010.  Let's make it the best year ever :)
I can't wait to watch that ball drop, once again, in New York City. (While I am wishing I was there.) ;)
So, thank you 2009 for memories, lessons, excitement, and the one year mark of my blog.
I will be back in 2010 to start a whole new year of blog postings :)
I love you all!
Love Amy :)
*I also want to dedicate this year and all of my blog postings from 2009 to my Opa, who passed away.  The hardest thing I have ever had to go through, but also the event that will mark this year forever. New Year's was a special time for him, and I will be thinking of him the whole time we celebrate.  This whole year will be a memory of him and all he has done for the people around him. He will never be forgotten and the 4 numbers 2009, along with many things, will remind me of him. And how much I loved him.  In everything I do, I want him to be watching from Heaven with a smile on his face, like he always had, while he has the time of his life with our Father, Jesus.*

Friday, December 25, 2009

Mary Did You Know?

Before I get ready to head to my Grandparents house for some great family time and amazing food, I wanted to leave a blog for you guys!

I have some time and I really wanted to post something about Mary.  I watched the Nativity Story for the first time a few nights ago and absolutely loved it.  I learned so many new things about Christ's birth that I didn't know before and it just gave me a whole new respect for Mary.  She was just a young girl, probably in her teenage years.  After being forced to marry someone she didn't love, an angel came to her and told her she was going to have a baby.  At first, of course, she questioned it and asked how it was possible. The angel assured her that it was from the power of God.  Mary listened to the angel and believed it with her whole heart.  She didn't question it anymore, she didn't get upset or angry with God.  That's the first amazing part.

Then, when Mary tells her family, they won't believe her.  Her cousin Elizabeth, who also is having a baby, does believe her and helps her a lot. But her own family, her own parents do not believe her.  She has the chance of getting stoned, and she has to worry about her now husband, Joseph and what he will think.   I just can't imagine how she must have felt knowing that God gave her this child, but nobody would believe her.  She really put all of her trust into Him.

Then, God took care of everything else. He spoke to Joseph, and Joseph listened. Now, he and Mary were in this together and Joseph protected her from getting stoned.  Later on, they traveled to Bethlehem together were they had their baby, and named him Jesus.  

The whole story is just incredible. The way that God took care of all the problems so Mary wouldn't get stoned, the way that God spoke to Joseph and he believed Mary.  All of these things were just amazing.  It was also interesting that everyone in the town was looking for the 'Savior' who was going to overthrow the King. And they were searching everyone and just basically going crazy for this Messiah that was going to come.  But nobody expected it to be a baby in a girl's stomach.  

My favorite part of this whole movie, that I found the most incredible was Mary.  She remained so strong and willing throughout the whole story. First, she had to get married, then she found out she was going to have a child, then her parents didn't believe her. Finally, she traveled many, many days to a small town to have the Son of God.  Mary didn't give up. She didn't complain, or whine. And she didn't say, "Why me?" I think a lot of us today would have been angry with God.  Or worse, we wouldn't have believed Him.  I think a lot of us would have just blown it off.  But Mary didn't do that. She was so persistent with God's will and it just amazed me.  Her strength and courage was incredible.

It makes me think of two of my favorite Christmas songs, 'Mary Did You Know' and 'Breath Of Heaven.'  With 'Breath of Heaven' the lyrics are just so powerful.  

"I have traveled many moonless nights,
cold and weary with a babe inside. 
And I wonder what I've done.
Holy Father,  you have come
and chosen me now to carry your son."

It's so powerful to me, because we can't even begin to imagine what Mary was going through at that time. What she was thinking about as she traveled all those days.  We can't imagine what she was thinking after the Angel told her the news.  And then the chorus of the song shows us where all that strength came from...

"Breath of Heaven. Hold me together.
Be forever near me.  Breath of Heaven. 
Breath of Heaven, lighten my darkness,
pour over me your holiness, for you are Holy."

I just pray so often that I have the strength and willing heart that Mary did during this time.  And I love this song, because it shows that she had all that strength and persistence though the power of God.  This was God's plan and God's son and He took care of everything.  Mary and Joseph didn't have to worry about what was to come next because God was taking care of it. He was lightening their darkness and holding them together at this time. 

The other song, 'Mary Did You Know' is another one of my all time favorites.

"Mary did you know that your baby boy would one day walk on water?
Mary did you know that your baby boy would save our sons and daughters?
Did you know that your baby boy would walk where angels trod?
When you've kissed your little baby, then you've kissed the face of God."

And this is just one part of the song.  Through all this that Mary was going through, she didn't know that her little baby was going to save the world. She didn't know that that baby was going to do all these great things.  Who knows how different the story would have been if she knew?  I just love how the song gives all of these great things that Jesus did. But at this time, Mary didn't know any of it.  All she knew was that God had chosen her to carry His child and she took care of it with all that she had.

That's the kind of strength that I want to have.  Mary's willing heart just amazes me and makes me want to strive to be better every day.  To face every obstacle in life with full determination and willingness.  Mary's story shows that with the power of God, anything is possible. Annnd... that's CHRISTMAS.

The story of a virgin mother that traveled for days, through many hardships, clueless, that gave birth to Jesus Christ, the son of God.  And the Holy Father who helped her the whole way through.

I think that's reason enough to celebrate :)
So, I hope you all have a VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!!!!!! Eat food, enjoy family, and celebrate.

Love to everyone!
Amy :)

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Faves of 2009

Hey hey hey!
So, it's Christmas Eve Eve.... 2 more days until the big day! And I really wanted to post some of my favorite things of 2009.  Songs, movies, verses, etc. etc.  So, here we go :) (They are in no particular order)

Favorite Songs of 2009

1. 'Our Worlds Collide'- BarlowGirl  (And the complete 'Love and War' album)
2. 'Live Like We're Dying'- Kris Allen
3. 'Forgiven'- Sanctus Real
4. 'City On Our Knees'- Tobymac
5. 'Broken' -Lifehouse
6. 'Send It On'-Disney Channel Stars
7. 'Who I Am'- Nick Jonas and The Administration
8. 'Fireflies'- Owl City
9. 'Party In The USA'- Miley Cyrus
10. 'Hold My Heart'- Tenth Avenue North
11. 'The Lost Get Found'- Britt Nicole

Favorite Movies of 2009

1. The Chronicles of Narnia- Prince Caspian
2. Julie and Julia
3. Princess Protection Program
4. Spectacular
5. Night At The Museum 2
6. Hannah Montana: The Movie
7. Hotel For Dogs
8. Paul Blart: Mall Cop
9. Up
10. Wizards of Waverly Place: The Movie

Favorite TV Shows of 2009

1. Sonny With A Chance
2. Lie To Me
3. NCIS (Season 7)
4. Survivor: Samoa
5. The Amazing Race 15

Favorite Websites of 2009

1. Twitter
2. Youtube
3. Wikipedia
4. Plugged In Online
5. BarlowGirl

Favorite Blogs of 2009


Favorite Verses of 2009

1. Romans 12:2 (Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God's will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will.)

2. Phillipians 4:13 (I can do everything through him who gives me strength.)

3. Psalm 30:12 (that my heart may sing to you and not be silent.  O LORD my God, I will give you thanks forever)

4. John 3:17 (For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through him.)

5. 1 Corinthians 13:4-7 (Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.)


So, here are just a few of my favorite things of 2009.  It's been a really great year and I can't wait to start 2010! I hope all of you have had a great year as well. :)
And I will post again on Christmas to wish you a good one! :)

*Amy :)

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Emmanuel- God With Us

So, I can feel and sense your excitement as Christmas is rapidly coming.  I am also extremely excited... 5 more days :) And then, I am so thrilled to be finishing off 2009 and starting a new year.  In the midst of everything that happened, I would still consider 2009 as one of my best years because I feel like I grew a lot.  I learned a lot and blogged a lot.

But before I skip ahead too far, I want to do a Christmas post and then tie it in with a picture as well.  Since, I am somewhat on time for once. It has been one week since my last picture post.  So, I was thinking about Christmas. Obviously.  Who couldn't think about Christmas when the decorations, movies, music, and food surround you day and night?  But anyways, I feel like an average "Christian" would write a blog post saying, "keep Christ in Christmas. It's about Him not the presents." Which, don't get me wrong. I FULLY agree with 100%.  But it sounds too automatic to say that.  Instead, I am going to focus on something a little different.  And it can basically be summed up in one word.  Emmanuel. (or Immanuel)

Out of the whole story of the birth of Jesus, my favorite verse, or line, is the one that says this:  "The virgin will be with child and will give birth to a son, and they will call him Immanuel --which means, "God with us." (This particular one is Matthew 1:23)

I think sometimes, we may read that and overlook the deep meaning and truth behind those three small words.  I love to talk about and write about the presence of God, and how He will always be with us, through everything.  It's just something that's important in my life and I like to share that.  I never realized this in the "Christmas story" until this year when.... like usual, someone posted it on their twitter.  I mean, I always knew the verse, and I always loved it, but I didn't realize until a little while ago how much it really meant to me.  It's incredible how amazing God's works are.  All the way back to the birth of Jesus, it's evident that God sent his son, giving Him the name Emmanuel to be with us forever.  And, like one of my previous posts, it's all in His name. 

I love how something from so long ago, is so important in many lives today.  That name that was given to God's own son is a name that can mean so much to so many people today.  The whole birth of Jesus, and the whole meaning of Christmas centers around this baby that was born to be with us, eternally, forever.  And it's all in His name.  Just the promise that is in those 3 little words is amazing to me. "God with us."  It couldn't be more simple, yet it couldn't get more deep and meaningful.  God is with us forever. For the rest of our time on this earth, and forever with us in Heaven when we will see Him face face.  I feel like Christmas is one of those times when we remember this promise.  Life gets crazy and sometimes we just get so overwhelmed and busy all the time, but I think that on Christmas, we can just relax and remember this promise that came out of Jesus' birth. The promise that God would be with us... now and forever.

Of course, I will be posting again in a week, or earlier... but in case I am late... I want to wish you all a very MERRY CHRISTMAS.  It's such a wonderful season.  A great holiday to celebrate family, eat lots of good food, reflect on the year, and enjoy one another's presence all while celebrating the birth of that One who saved us all.  It's pretty much amazing. :)  So, I hope you all have a spectacular Christmas!

*Amy :)

"Hallelujah, Light has come. A child is born to save us all. Jesus. Hallelujah, we've been found. A Savior who will set us free. A promise for those who believe."

-'Hallelujah, Light Has Come' by BarlowGirl

Sunday, December 13, 2009

The Beauty of a Rose

Nick Jonas recently made a solo album aside from his band, the Jonas Brothers. He made it clear that he was not splitting from them, but he just made a side project with a group of big musicians.  The first single just came out, and it's called 'Who I Am.' I won't go into the music and how much I really like the single, but I want to talk about the second single that has not actually released, but was performed last week on a show.  It's called 'Rose Garden.'  Just a little while ago, Nick posted on his twitter that he realized in his [short] life- "Roses last a long time if you hang them upside down."  Later, someone wrote back saying it was like relationships- "They are going to remain strong and beautiful for a long time,  even when things are upside down."

I thought about this for a long time, especially after hearing the song because it's a beautiful song.  It really is.
As if you haven't already figured out, I compare almost everything to people or life.  Well, once again, I will keep it predictable.  I kind of took the rose example in a different direction than relationships.  I kind of saw it as a new picture.

Roses are beautiful, we can all say that.  No matter what color they are, they're just beautiful.  But what about the thorns?  Those beautiful roses have thorns that can really hurt.  It's almost like a "flaw" in the design of the rose.  But even though roses have those thorns, those "flaws," it doesn't take away from their beauty.  Which is pretty incredible. (To me anyways)

We are also like that.  We have all those little flaws and we get so mad about them. Sometimes they may cause pain to other people, and sometimes we just want them to disappear.  But, even though we have those "thorns" in our lives, they don't take away from our beauty.  They don't take away from the person God created us to be, the beautiful person.

I know that this sounds a lot like my last post, but it's just a message that I think we can't hear enough.  I, myself, strive so hard to be perfect. I try so hard to please everyone around me, because I don't like my flaws and I don't like those imperfections that [unfortunately] I have.  But, the more I try to be different, and the more I try to be perfect, the more I lose myself.  Of course, it's important to change and try to be better, but through that, we have to remember to be ourselves, and God will do the rest.

It also goes back to what Nick said about roses.  When they're upside down, they last longer, and they are stronger and still beautiful.  Even though sometimes we may think our lives are upside down and just messed up, we're still beautiful. And it may just be in those "upside down" times, that our beauty shines through the brightest.  I think that sometimes, finding the imperfections that we have, makes us find ourselves, and who we really are.  We all have those flaws and "thorns," and at some point, all of our lives have been or will feel like they are just completely "upside down."  But it's in those crazy times, that we find who we are and we find that overall beauty that we have, just like the rose.  One pointy thorn will not take away from the beauty that we (and the rose) will always have.

*Amy :)

P.S. In writing this, I totally forgot about Christmas! Sorry, this has nothing to do with December or Christmas :) Hopefully, the next post will!

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

30 Lessons From 2009

Since it's December, the last month of 2009, I wanted to post some lessons I have learned this year.  I was going to wait until the 31st, but decided to go ahead with it.  I think 2009 has probably been one of my favorite years.  It's been the year where the worst things have happened, but I've learned the most as well. So, here are 30 lessons I have learned from this year.

30 Lessons Learned In 2009

1. If you have long hair and get your first perm, it won’t last long.
2. In friendships, age doesn’t matter. I have 2 amazing friends. One is 10, one is 21. I love them both the same. Age just adds another guideline.

3. We spend way too much time judging and nitpicking other’s lives instead of just living our own the best we can.
4. When you’re homeschooled for 7 months, you become lazy.
5. I don’t have to be perfect for God to love me.
6. College isn’t necessarily harder than every other school; you just have to work harder.
7. It’s time to start ‘being’ instead of ‘doing.’ (Yes, that was a quote. Thank you David Fredrickson)
8. We’re all so special for being ourselves.  Being unique is not wrong. Being weird is not wrong. I’d rather be weird than normal.
9. Rebecca, Alyssa, and Lauren Barlow are some of the most amazing girls in the world. 
10. A Superchick/BarlowGirl concert could turn out to be one of the best nights of your life.
11. God’s not here to give us rules and punish us if we break them.
12. God loves us. Yes, it’s as simple as 3 words.
13.  We have to learn to open our clutching fists, let go, and move on sometimes.
14. ‘Love And War’ by BarlowGirl is the best album of all time.
15. Celebrities deserve to be treated like people.
16. Miley Cyrus is not a bad celebrity influence. She is still an amazing role model.
17. If your name is Miley Cyrus, quitting twitter could be a major milestone in your life.
18.  Bo’s CafĂ© may just be one of the best books ever written.
19. Guitar is the best instrument ever.
20. People don’t always understand you. But, that’s ok. They don’t have to.
21. We make love too complicated.
22. I love my dog more than anything in the world.
23. My parents are the best.
24. TLC has addicting TV shows.
25. A book about vampires could become a worldwide sensation and make 60 million dollars in one day for one movie.
26. Music videos make songs a hundred times better.
27. If you need to make an apology to a girl, buy flowers.
28. Blogs rock.
29. You never realize how much you love someone until they’re gone.  Cherish every moment you have with someone, because you never know when it could be over… like Kris Allen’s song, we got to live like we’re dying.
30. 2009 has been an amazing year.

A Wonderful (Chex) Mix

Well, well, well... it's been a long time, hasn't it? I was just scrolling through my blog yesterday and realized I'm a few days overdue for a new picture... so today is the day.

(P.S. side note on my life- I am just a few hours away from my last final exam, therefore officially completing my first semester of college. And even more exciting... Christmas break starts! Yes!)

Ok, back to the blog...
So, my creative mind has failed me as I have had lots of trouble coming up with pictures, especially that relate to this season... I really wanted the Christmas theme to run through December all in my blog.  Well, I probably write about this way too much... (in every post) but I found a picture and an idea... so here goes...

Food.  It's not exactly Christmas related, but honestly, which one of us doesn't eat too much during this season? Yeah, nobody. We all eat like crazy. So, at this moment, I am actually eating some chex mix that my mom made.  This one has a lot of different snacks and flavors in it... so here came the idea...

My Grandma made a cookbook this year for every member of our family that had a short biography and recipe for each person. My recipe was for Monster Cookies, and I remember writing in my biography that all the different ingredients are so different from each other, but when they come together in the mix, they make a delicious cookie.   Just like Chex Mix.

Sometimes we put things in Chex Mix that we may not think go together too well.  Right now, I've mixed pretzels, chex cereal, peanuts, Ranch, Taco seasoning, crackers, wheat thins, and more all together in one little baggy.  When you think about it, it doesn't sound so great, because each of these foods is so different.  But the cool thing is, that when they all get mixed and jumbled together, they make a very great snack.
Now, let me get to how this applies to more than just food...  We are all made up of so many different things.... (not biologically) but our interests and hobbies and personalities.  Sometimes we like photography and dancing, or guitar and writing, or drums and art, or cooking and couponing.   Whatever our interests are, a lot of times they all vary.  Each hobby is different.  I love to play guitar, but I also love to write. Two very different things.  But all of our interests mixed together make a great mix... or in this case, a great person.

Sometimes there may be things in that mix that we don't like... a burnt pretzel or a flaw that we have.  An imperfection or something we don't like about ourselves... and sometimes we think that that small little flaw or problems will ruin the whole mix... but once it's mixed in with everything else, it's actually ok.  It tastes pretty good.  I'm not saying that we should always ignore our problems... but I'm saying that we're not perfect and one little flaw in our mix won't ruin us.  We all have so many great qualities and characteristics about us.  Sure, we all have those imperfections, but they will never ruin us as a whole.

*Amy :)

"I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well."
PSALM 139:14