Friday, June 26, 2009

Week #10- Free To Be Me

Yay! It's officially the tenth week of my songs! :) And even though I have like 200 favorite songs, I am running out of new songs to write about :)
The only reason is because I am trying to do a variety of artists and a lot of the songs I want to do are from one or two artists :)
But I will try to find more, new songs to write about.
In honor of the tenth week :) I will do a song by Francesca Battistelli. Right now it's a very popular song and the music video just recently premiered. You can watch it *HERE*
Francesca has also recently gotten engaged so yeah! :)
The lyrics for 'Free To Be Me' you can read *HERE*
Both of these links are on Francesca Battistelli's website.
Just for some background, Francesca wrote this song after she backed into a lawyer's car, (hence the lyric 'I got a couple dents in my fender'
Of course, she was upset, but on her way home she came up with this song and realized that even though she had her problems, she was free to be herself. She knew that God made her a unique person, as He did with everyone.
Like all the other songs I have written about, this song can apply to everyone. God made us all special and He made us all different. One of my favorite lines is, "perfection is my enemy."
We can try our very hardest but we will never be perfect, and we shouldn't want to be perfect! If we spend our whole lives striving for perfection, then we will never be happy with who we are. God made us in a special way and we have to come to the point where we realize that He made us the way we are for a reason.
This song really has some amazing lines in it so I would encourage you to read the lyrics and watch the video :)
It's amazing to know that we are all free to be ourselves, no matter how many times we may screw up or how many times we feel like we aren't good enough, we are free to be exactly who we are! Whether we have dents in our fenders or rips in our jeans, the way God created us is special and unique just because He created us.


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