Thursday, July 2, 2009

More Beautiful You- Week # 11

I am soooo late! Sorry! I've had a great week! My cousin spent a few days here and so we had some fun with shopping, skating, computering... ect.
So I had a little break from everything.
Then yesterday was my grandma's birthday :) so we had a good time here at our house talking, eating, laughing.
Now I'm back to the real world... finishing up school... It's getting harder and harder to stay focused now that I know that in a few months I'll be in college, in a classroom again!
But I'm trying to get it finished up.
Saturday is 4th of July and I will be taking pictures of the fireworks and stuff that I will be sure to post probably on Sunday so yeah.

But I didn't forget about my blog and my songs, so here is a song that I have been wanting to do.

It is called 'More Beautiful You' by Jonny Diaz. It's more of a girl focused song, but something that is different about it is that a guy wrote it, so the point of view is interesting.
You can read the lyrics *HERE*
There is also just an amazing music video *HERE*

A few days ago, I entered an online contest about this song to win a Jonny Diaz CD and also a year subscription to this magazine. Anyways, the contest simply said, "define beauty"
So, this is what I came up with and this also goes along with the song:

Beauty shines from within. Beauty is not on the outside but rather on the inside. God created each and every one of us absolutely beautiful because we were made In His image. Beauty is what makes us unique. Beauty is the ability to be you without limits. Beauty shows who you are. Beauty shows passion. Beauty shows Christ inside of you. Some may say that beauty is defined by our size, our hair, or our eye color; I say that beauty is defined by Christ. This world does not know beauty like our God knows beauty. We are all beautiful because we are made to be nothing but ourselves. Our intelligence, our athletic ability, our musical talent, our voice, or even our laughter makes us beautiful. Beauty shows the special and unique talents and personality that God has given each of us. These come from our hearts, not our bodies. Take a look in the mirror and tell me what you see. Don’t say, “Imperfect hair, crooked teeth and a large body.” Say, “beauty.” Smile at yourself and tell yourself that you are beautiful, not because of how you look but because you were created by God, in His image. That makes you beautiful!

^That is what I entered in the contest...
Especially in today's world, I think that girls never understand that we don't have to do what this world says to be happy. Rebecca Barlow struggled with an eating disorder when she was 16 years old and she always shares her testimony. My favorite quote from her speech is "Don't look to the ways of this world to define you."
It's so hard to live in a world where everyone has to look perfect, dress a certain way, be a certain size, have a certain face, ect. We never realize that God doesn't look at our outside appearances, but He looks at our hearts.
God made all of us beautiful, but He didn't make us so that we could have the 'perfect body' or the perfect hair or the perfect anything, He made us with a special purpose which is beautiful in its self.
We just need to remember that we are all beautiful. Not for the reasons that this world says, but for the reasons that God says. We are all shining from the inside out and even better, we have God burning inside of us. That makes us tremendously beautiful!


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