Friday, May 22, 2009

Surrender by BarlowGirl Week #6

OK, so I know I have already done a BarlowGirl song, but I have been thinking about this one lately and learning to play it on piano so I decided to chose this song today.
Here are the lyrics for 'Surrender' (on my playlist below):

My hands hold safely to my dreams
clutching tightly no one has fallen
So many years I've shaped each one
Reflecting my heart showing who I am
Now you're asking me to show
What I'm holding oh so tightly
Can't open my hands can't let go
Does it matter?
Should I show you?
Can't you let me go?

Surrender, surrender you whisper gently
You say I will be free
I know but can't you see?
My dreams are me. My dreams are me

You say you have a plan for me
And that you want the best for my life
Told me the world had yet to see
What you can do with one
That's committed to Your calling
I know of course what I should do
That I can't hold these dreams forever
If I give them now to You
Will You take them away forever?
Or can I dream again?

So, when I think of this song, I have the mental picture of two hands that are closed and then when you surrender, you basically open up your hands.

For BarlowGirl, this song talks about their lives. As you know, they are a band now, but they never pictured themselves where they are today. When the Barlows were growing up, they all had different plans or dreams for their life. The oldest, Rebecca wanted to be a mechanic or a cosmetologist, now she is the guitar player for this amazing band. This was even harder for her because she is stage fright.
The middle girl, Alyssa really had it planted in her mind that she wanted to pursue Broadway. Now she is rocking out on stage with a piano and bass guitar.
The youngest, Lauren wanted to be a pro soccer player or swim with the dolphins, but now she sings, jumps, and plays drums :)

Barlowgirl never imagined that this would be God's plan for their life, but when they surrendered their dreams to Him, He brought them here, to this place, as a band. Something so far fetched from what they had wanted or what they thought was going to happen. He did it, in His timing and for His will.
All girls really had to surrender their dreams to God and let Him take them.

I think that this song applies to everyone. We all have something in our lives that we just cannot let go of. Whether is be a material item, our relationships, or our dreams. I think that letting everything go to God is one of the hardest things we have to learn in life.

I love the first line of the second verse that says, "And that you want whats best for my life"

God really knows what is best for our lives, He knows everything! By just opening our hands, and saying, "God, here just take this from me", we can just let him take control.

This is SO hard for me, because I like holding on tightly to everything I have. So having to open up my hands, and tell God to take it all is very hard.

I do believe however, that if we surrender everything we have to God, He will take those things and change our lives forever. He wants us to just surrender everything to Him, so He can take it all and make us free. Imagine a huge burden that you have been carrying for ever on your shoulders. Eventually, you would get tired right? Well, just imagine, God taking that burden off of your shoulders. You would feel relief and freedom! God wants to take everything from us but we have to surrender it all to Him! When we do, we will find freedom and relief as we let go and let God!
He has a plan for us. Instead of trying to have our dreams come true, let's just give our dreams to God and let Him do with them what He will.

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