Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Jimmy Needham-A breath or Two: Week #5

Ok, it's time for another song. This time I chose "A breath or Two" by Jimmy Needham (on my playlist below). And before I say anything else, I want to say, that I love Jimmy!! He is an amazing artist and his style of music is just crazy good. Really it's awesome. Check out his website at
But anyways, here are the lyrics:
I think its terminal this terminal
I’m waiting in
Could use a change of scene it seems I’ve been repeating it
Another day another plane another same thing
Yesterday became tomorrow that’s the strange thing
Another string another strum another rhyme another hum

I want to breathe in
I want to breathe in and out again

I’m tired of putting one foot in front of the other
I’m weary of where it leads me too
I’m tired of moving on from my Father
Make me rest my head and take a breath or two
Simply stated simple minded love for you
Has simply been completely complicated
And I’m finding
This daily drudgery is finally catching up to me
Its time for this abandon to make much of you
And less of me

I want to breathe in
I want to breathe in and out again


O for a slower pace
Moving at the speed of sound sounds like a race to me
O to be at ease
Moving at the speed of sound gets hard on the knees

I’m tired of putting one foot in front of the other
I’m weary of where it leads me too

So, on Jimmy's website, he has a section called "behind the songs" and this was what he quoted for this song... (If you haven't noticed, I like quoting)

"Most of this record was written in the busiest season of my life. I had just gotten married, and my wife and I were both full time students taking upwards of 15 hours a piece to graduate on time, all while performing out of state every weekend. One weekend in particular, we left class, flew to Australia, played a concert and flew back for class on Monday. It was such a busy season, and I was so ready for a break. I found myself longing for the rest that King David wrote about in Psalm 23. This song is me asking God to provide that pause, that rest in the midst of this crazy life."

-Jimmy Needham

Just so that everyone knows what he is talking about, I will also post Psalm 23. it read this...

"The LORD is my shepherd, I shall not be in want.
He makes me lie down in green pastures, he leads me beside quiet waters,
he restores my soul. He guides me in paths of righteousness for his name's sake.
Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for you are with me; your rod and your staff, they comfort me.
You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies. You anoint my head with oil; my cup overflows.
Surely goodness and love will follow me all the days of my life, and I will dwell in the house of the LORD forever."

Ok, So, I LOVE this song. I really like all of his songs but this one is special to me personally. So often, we find ourselves just completely overwhelmed with the business of our lives. Well, I mean, why wouldn't we be? With, school, work, friends, family, meetings, sports, music, etc. we just find each of our days becoming busier and busier.

I deal a lot with stress, so when I get swarmed with things to do, I "freak out" and forget what's important. I love this song because i think it applies to everyone. We can just become so involved with the business of our lives that we forget about God. When I read Psalm 23, I usually tend to smile because I can just picture the green pastures and the quiet waters. It's all so extremely peaceful and i love it.

This song really makes me remember to stop every once in a while and take a breath or two. Just stop for a few minutes each day and breathe. We just have to learn to relax and rest in God's arms. Then, we can walk with God through those green pastures, by the quiet waters, where he will protect us from all evil and his rod and staff will comfort us.

Sounds great, doesn't it? :)

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