Friday, May 29, 2009

Paparazzi Poem

So, we still have 2 more days before we leave on our vacation but i wrote this poem and really wanted to post it so here it is.. (It goes along with the song I talked about earlier and Jon & Kate)

By Amy C. Yarick

I walk out my front door
Your camera’s in my nose
I’m on all the magazines
But I didn’t chose to pose
I can’t leave my house
I can’t go to the store
I am a prisoner
Behind my own door
You think its fun
When you get paid
But my life is now becoming
A slow fade
Everyone knows
My face and my name
But it’s not all good
I am covered in shame
You follow me around
Day and night
I want to run
Out of this spotlight
Oh paparazzi
Look what you did
My life is now over
I should have just hid

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Laptops, Vacations, and Songs....

So, my dream came true :)
I got a laptop yesterday!! AHHH!!! I was so excited! I just had to post it! :)
I haven't taken any pictures of it yet, but it is a Toshiba.

Also while I'm posting...
Here are some upcoming things:

First off, I am going to South Florida on vacation next week so I might not be writing for a few days, unless I get a chance to use the hotel's wireless.

BUT... I will try to take tons of pictures and post them when I can... so be looking out for those.

Also, the next song I am going to be talking about is "I'm Not Alright" by Sanctus Real. I am not sure when yet, but sometime soon. Then I might do "Unbreakable" by FireFlight afterwards, but I am not 100% certain. We'll see.

So, continue coming to my blog! :)


Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Paparazzi- Week #7

Ok, It's time for another song and I was actually planning on blogging my great opinions on a Sanctus Real song, but that can wait until next week. This week, I have something on my mind that I want to write about and i actually found a song that fits with it.
This song is called Paparazzi by Switchfoot.
Ok, so this song doesn't express my thoughts completely but this song is focused on what I wanted to talk about.

Last night, I watched the season premiere of Jon and Kate plus 8. Lately, they have been in the news and on the magazines too often. Things have been said, pictures have been taken, ect. You know the story.
I don't want to talk about them, but instead the paparazzi. One part in yesterday's episode involved Kate taking all 8 of her kids to the store to buy some items for the birthday party. While getting out of the car and walking to the store, the family immediately was swarmed by paparazzi. One of the 5 year old boys even said, "Mommy, look there's the paparazzi"."
That broke my heart, seriously. These poor kids are only 5 years old and they are already being followed around by men in cameras. That is not a way of life.
Sure, Jon and Kate chose to start the show. And of course, fame comes with a price, but this is just going too far. It's not just for Jon and Kate, but for all celebrities, why do paparazzi do what they do?
I don't think that any amount of money is worth the consequence of ruing someone's life. What is the point in following people around just to get a picture of them so you can sell it to someone who is going to write a lie on the cover of a magazine? There is no point, accept money.

We live in a world of selfishness. paparazzi take pictures to get money. We buy the magazine so we can judge the person on the cover. Just like I said when I talked about the song, 'Britney', they may make bad choices, but it's not our place to judge. Just like it's not the place for paparazzi to camp outside someone's home to get a picture of them. You can't get stupider!

Can't we just let people live their lives? We all make choices, good or bad. But do they have to be broadcasted and printed everywhere? We should not live life to make other's lives miserable. We should live day by day in our own lives, not in everyone else's.

I can promise you that these poor 5 year old kids' lives will never be the same. They will live their whole life in fear of paparazzi and it will not be a happy life. Nobody wants to live in fear.

My point: Just let people live their lives!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Lyrics to the song:
tune for the paparazzi
tune for the paparazzi

this is a tune the paparazzi
the who's who and the so and so's
this is a tune for the graven images of marilyn monroe
we saw your face on the magazine
we heard the song on the mp3

you're stuck in my head
stuck in my head
stuck in my head
you can close your ears and your eyes
but the pop will never leave you alone
tune for the paparazzi

leave me alone
with your social lingo
you try so hard to stay on top
leave me alone
with your little jingle
with your picture perfect pop
we read the article in seventeen
we saw the video on mtv


pop will never leave you alone
this is a tune for the late nirvana
the teen spirit rock and roll
this is a tune for the velvet elvis's
on the 90210
i thought my eyes were gonna get off clean
till i read your lips on the tv screen
you were busy saying what you didn't mean
now everyone is singing along with your ridiculous song
you got it stuck you
got it stuck in my head
stuck in my head
stuck in my head

you can close your ears and your eyes
you can close your ears and your eyes
but the pop will never leave you alone
tune for the paparazzi
tune for the paparazzi Here is a video for the song. (It is not on my playlist)
**Video was made by my cousin, Rachel**

Saturday, May 23, 2009

BarlowGirl Beautiful Ending *Unreleased New Song* LIVE Acoustic

Someone posted this video on youtube just a little while ago and I wanted to put it on my blog, because it just makes me cry, it's that awesome!!
This is from BarlowGirl's new CD, which does not come out until September 22nd! I cannot wait. I even found out today that the title will be "Love and War"
I wish September would come faster!!! :)
I think I will write a little about this song later! :)
Enjoy the video! It blew me away when I saw them play it at the concert I went to!

Friday, May 22, 2009

Surrender by BarlowGirl Week #6

OK, so I know I have already done a BarlowGirl song, but I have been thinking about this one lately and learning to play it on piano so I decided to chose this song today.
Here are the lyrics for 'Surrender' (on my playlist below):

My hands hold safely to my dreams
clutching tightly no one has fallen
So many years I've shaped each one
Reflecting my heart showing who I am
Now you're asking me to show
What I'm holding oh so tightly
Can't open my hands can't let go
Does it matter?
Should I show you?
Can't you let me go?

Surrender, surrender you whisper gently
You say I will be free
I know but can't you see?
My dreams are me. My dreams are me

You say you have a plan for me
And that you want the best for my life
Told me the world had yet to see
What you can do with one
That's committed to Your calling
I know of course what I should do
That I can't hold these dreams forever
If I give them now to You
Will You take them away forever?
Or can I dream again?

So, when I think of this song, I have the mental picture of two hands that are closed and then when you surrender, you basically open up your hands.

For BarlowGirl, this song talks about their lives. As you know, they are a band now, but they never pictured themselves where they are today. When the Barlows were growing up, they all had different plans or dreams for their life. The oldest, Rebecca wanted to be a mechanic or a cosmetologist, now she is the guitar player for this amazing band. This was even harder for her because she is stage fright.
The middle girl, Alyssa really had it planted in her mind that she wanted to pursue Broadway. Now she is rocking out on stage with a piano and bass guitar.
The youngest, Lauren wanted to be a pro soccer player or swim with the dolphins, but now she sings, jumps, and plays drums :)

Barlowgirl never imagined that this would be God's plan for their life, but when they surrendered their dreams to Him, He brought them here, to this place, as a band. Something so far fetched from what they had wanted or what they thought was going to happen. He did it, in His timing and for His will.
All girls really had to surrender their dreams to God and let Him take them.

I think that this song applies to everyone. We all have something in our lives that we just cannot let go of. Whether is be a material item, our relationships, or our dreams. I think that letting everything go to God is one of the hardest things we have to learn in life.

I love the first line of the second verse that says, "And that you want whats best for my life"

God really knows what is best for our lives, He knows everything! By just opening our hands, and saying, "God, here just take this from me", we can just let him take control.

This is SO hard for me, because I like holding on tightly to everything I have. So having to open up my hands, and tell God to take it all is very hard.

I do believe however, that if we surrender everything we have to God, He will take those things and change our lives forever. He wants us to just surrender everything to Him, so He can take it all and make us free. Imagine a huge burden that you have been carrying for ever on your shoulders. Eventually, you would get tired right? Well, just imagine, God taking that burden off of your shoulders. You would feel relief and freedom! God wants to take everything from us but we have to surrender it all to Him! When we do, we will find freedom and relief as we let go and let God!
He has a plan for us. Instead of trying to have our dreams come true, let's just give our dreams to God and let Him do with them what He will.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Spring Pictures!


So, I got some great pictures the other day of the two girls, Lydia and Hannah. :) We went in their yard, where they have a garden and got some good shots, so here they are! (I mixed them together because there were so many good ones!)

By the way, I promise I will have another song soon!

I got to say my favorite is the one where Lydia is kissing Hannah's cheek! It is SOO sweet!

See all the pictures in this video...

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Jimmy Needham-A breath or Two: Week #5

Ok, it's time for another song. This time I chose "A breath or Two" by Jimmy Needham (on my playlist below). And before I say anything else, I want to say, that I love Jimmy!! He is an amazing artist and his style of music is just crazy good. Really it's awesome. Check out his website at
But anyways, here are the lyrics:
I think its terminal this terminal
I’m waiting in
Could use a change of scene it seems I’ve been repeating it
Another day another plane another same thing
Yesterday became tomorrow that’s the strange thing
Another string another strum another rhyme another hum

I want to breathe in
I want to breathe in and out again

I’m tired of putting one foot in front of the other
I’m weary of where it leads me too
I’m tired of moving on from my Father
Make me rest my head and take a breath or two
Simply stated simple minded love for you
Has simply been completely complicated
And I’m finding
This daily drudgery is finally catching up to me
Its time for this abandon to make much of you
And less of me

I want to breathe in
I want to breathe in and out again


O for a slower pace
Moving at the speed of sound sounds like a race to me
O to be at ease
Moving at the speed of sound gets hard on the knees

I’m tired of putting one foot in front of the other
I’m weary of where it leads me too

So, on Jimmy's website, he has a section called "behind the songs" and this was what he quoted for this song... (If you haven't noticed, I like quoting)

"Most of this record was written in the busiest season of my life. I had just gotten married, and my wife and I were both full time students taking upwards of 15 hours a piece to graduate on time, all while performing out of state every weekend. One weekend in particular, we left class, flew to Australia, played a concert and flew back for class on Monday. It was such a busy season, and I was so ready for a break. I found myself longing for the rest that King David wrote about in Psalm 23. This song is me asking God to provide that pause, that rest in the midst of this crazy life."

-Jimmy Needham

Just so that everyone knows what he is talking about, I will also post Psalm 23. it read this...

"The LORD is my shepherd, I shall not be in want.
He makes me lie down in green pastures, he leads me beside quiet waters,
he restores my soul. He guides me in paths of righteousness for his name's sake.
Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for you are with me; your rod and your staff, they comfort me.
You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies. You anoint my head with oil; my cup overflows.
Surely goodness and love will follow me all the days of my life, and I will dwell in the house of the LORD forever."

Ok, So, I LOVE this song. I really like all of his songs but this one is special to me personally. So often, we find ourselves just completely overwhelmed with the business of our lives. Well, I mean, why wouldn't we be? With, school, work, friends, family, meetings, sports, music, etc. we just find each of our days becoming busier and busier.

I deal a lot with stress, so when I get swarmed with things to do, I "freak out" and forget what's important. I love this song because i think it applies to everyone. We can just become so involved with the business of our lives that we forget about God. When I read Psalm 23, I usually tend to smile because I can just picture the green pastures and the quiet waters. It's all so extremely peaceful and i love it.

This song really makes me remember to stop every once in a while and take a breath or two. Just stop for a few minutes each day and breathe. We just have to learn to relax and rest in God's arms. Then, we can walk with God through those green pastures, by the quiet waters, where he will protect us from all evil and his rod and staff will comfort us.

Sounds great, doesn't it? :)

Friday, May 8, 2009

Picks and flowers

I took some nice pictures today of some flowers that I am growing and also my guitar picks, I hope you like them! :)

Happy Mother's Day!!!!

I know I am two days early, but I just wanted to say...

To everyone!!!!

And especially my mom! I love her so much. We fight sometimes but she is always there for me whether I need her or not! I know that she will always be there if i need someone and i love her tons! So, Happy Mother's Day Mama and to all the other moms out there!!!

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Week #4- Who am I by Casting Crowns

Another song! Yay! It is called "Who am I" by Casting Crowns... (it is on my playlist. One of the last songs actually)
I just heard someone do a piano part for this song, and then I started singing along with it, and the words really hit me. I think almost all of my life, I've been asking God, Who am I? And I even wrote a poem about it, and I feel like I still honestly do not know who I am or why I'm here. (Good quote by the way, my dad always says, "Who am I and why am I here?)

Anyways, I feel like God has just always told me, "You are mine." But I never really took that into my heart, I just kept living life trying to find my purpose. I heard this song just a few minutes ago, and as I was singing along, I listened to the words and I figured out this. All this time I was trying to find out who i am and why I'm here, when God already told me the answer. I am His. I am God's child. This song made that so clear to me, I figured i would post it.
The Lord of all the Earth, the voice that calmed the sea, the bright and the morning star cares about me. That is something that I have always struggled with. I have always thought, "Why would God want me? I am so messed up and I make so many mistakes, how could he possibly love me?" I have thought these things my whole life and never really realized that all that doesn't matter to God. He made me in his image and to him I am absolutely perfect being me.
Not just me, but everyone! We are all God's children and he loves us. We don't have to do anything or be anything but ourselves.
The bible says: "I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well." (Psalm 139:14) God has made us all wonderful and we don't have to have a certain place on this earth. Our certain place is in His arms. A lot of times, we feel like we are made to do something extraordinary. I know I do, but when I spend my whole life trying to figure out that one thing, I miss what is right in front of me. That is, God's open arms.
So, Who am I? I am God's child. I am His. He sees my sins, he watched me rise again. He holds every tear that falls from my eyes and he hears me when I am calling. All this, not because of anything I have done, but because of who I am and who He is in me.
That is absolutely extraordinary!

Who am I, that the Lord of all the earth
Would care to know my name
Would care to feel my hurt
Who am I, that the Bright and Morning Star
Would choose to light the way
For my ever wandering heart
Not because of who I am
But because of what You've done
Not because of what I've done
But because of who You are
I am a flower quickly fading
Here today and gone tomorrow
A wave tossed in the ocean
Vapor in the wind
Still You hear me when I'm calling
Lord, You catch me when I'm falling
And You've told me who I am
I am Yours, I am Yours
Who am I, that the eyes that see my sin
Would look on me with love and watch me rise again
Who am I, that the voice that calmed the sea
Would call out through the rain
And calm the storm in me
Not because of who I am
But because of what You've done
Not because of what I've done
But because of who You are
I am a flower quickly fading
Here today and gone tomorrow
A wave tossed in the ocean
Vapor in the wind
Still You hear me when I'm calling
Lord, You catch me when I'm falling
And You've told me who I am
I am Yours
Not because of who I am
But because of what You've done
Not because of what I've done
But because of who You are
I am a flower quickly fading
Here today and gone tomorrow
A wave tossed in the ocean
Vapor in the wind
Still You hear me when I'm calling
Lord, You catch me when I'm falling
And You've told me who I am
I am Yours
I am Yours
Whom shall I fear
Whom shall I fear
'Cause I am Yours
I am Yours