Thursday, December 22, 2011

I Celebrate The Day(s)

Lights. Trees. Decorations. Food. Family. Friends. Gifts. Movies. Parties. Joy.

There's so many words we an associate with Christmas time. As I say every year, it is my favorite time of the year. There's so much excitement in seeing all of the decorations and lights and being surrounded by family, etc. I love the feeling I get during the holiday season.

This year it hit me pretty hard that in just a matter of a few  days, it will all be over. We spend SO much time preparing for this holiday. We bake an abnormal amount of cookies, spend lots of money, buy tons of presents, turn the whole house upside down to decorate, and hold big gatherings for our families. We watch all the cheesy Hallmark movies, blast Christmas tunes in our cars, and tell everyone we see "Merry Christmas."


on December 26th, it will all be over. The decorations will still be there and we'll have plenty of leftover food, but the excitement and joy of "Christmas" is done. Then we pack it all up and say "See ya next year."

It seems so wrong to celebrate with all of this amazing joy the one day, and then have it all fade away the next day. When we sit back and remember what we're actually celebrating, I think we realize how horrible this really is.

On this day [supposedly] the Savior of the world was born. Somewhere, in the dark, in some stable, that little baby boy that grew up to save the whole world came out of his virgin Mom's body. Incredible is an understatement for the event that we celebrate on Christmas.

One thing I have really come to realize this year is that the celebration never ends.

The Christmas tree might come down and music might stop playing, but the joy and love that that little baby brought into the world is never-ending. It doesn't go away when the decorations do, and it doesn't leave when our families do. Jesus came into the world to show us true love. He came into the world to give forgiveness and faith. He was born to SAVE us. No matter what day of the year it is, that love, forgiveness, and faith still rings true.

I think Christmas is such a great time to remember that very special day when our Savior was born. I think it reminds us why we're even alive. But, I think that it will be my goal this coming up year to feel this same joy every single day. That overwhelming sense of joy I feel during this season should never fade.

Just knowing that Jesus was born to show me love and to give me grace is enough to make me the happiest girl alive for the rest of my life. There's nothing more powerful than knowing that someone loves you so much no matter what you do.

Christmas has become so chaotic. There's so much pressure and stress involved in such a beautiful holiday. We have to run around and make sure we get the right gifts for everyone, wear the perfect "Christmas Eve outfit," cook the right food, have the best decorations, etc. We've really ruined what Christmas is.

Jesus brought us rest. He gave us hope. That's what Christmas does for us. It reminds us that He came here for us, for His children. The little baby boy came to love us... and that's the most peaceful thought ever.

I'm thankful for this amazing holiday, because it truly makes me sit down, reflect on my life, and realize that THIS is exactly why I'm here. I am who I am because of the baby that was born on this special day. I would be nowhere without the love, grace, and forgiveness that this baby was born for. I'm saved because of Him. I'm saved because of Christmas.

All the crap in my life and all the mistakes I make are forgiven because of this day. I can live every second of my life, knowing that I am loved beyond measure and forgiven all because of Christmas.

That's reason enough to celebrate.

I hope you all have an amazing Christmas as well as 2012!

"The first time that You opened Your eyes, did you realize that You would be my Savior? The first breath that left Your lips, did you know that it would change this world forever? I celebrate the day."
-Relient K

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