Thursday, August 6, 2009

"I'm Looking At The World Through Goggles."

Ok, so first of all...
I got the most amazing comment today from someone on my blog. I get comments sometimes, not often, but when I do they are great! It really makes me overjoyed when people read my blog and really like what I write or post, so first of all, if I can't thank you personally because it's anonymous or whatever than THANK YOU, so much! I blog for myself but also for you guys, and the sweet comments that I get make me just want to write something every single day! But unfortunately, I don't think my brain can hold that many thoughts :)
Anyways, I got the best comment ever today and because I couldn't respond to this person personally, I have to do it in this post. So, if your name is Annette and you commented on my blog, then, THANK YOU SO MUCH from the bottom of my heart! Your comment meant the world to me and I just cannot thank you enough.

So, now that I got that out of the way, (which I HAD to do!) I have something to post about (finally) I think about things to blog about all the time, and yesterday one finally hit me!
I was swimming in our pool with some of our friends and I usually don't wear goggles or anything, I just close my eyes when I go under the water, but yesterday I wanted to see underwater so I put on a pair of my brother's goggles.
When I went underwater, I turned over on my back and went to the bottom of the pool and looked up. With the fog in the pool, my terrible eyesight, and the fact that it was getting dark out, I couldn't see much. All I could see was a thick, foggy cover that separated me from the sun shining through the water. (I wish I could have taken a picture!)
This kicked my mind into 'thinking gear' and I started comparing what I saw to the way we see the world. When we look at life or the world in general, we usually see it as a terrible, bad place, right? With the economy slowly spiraling down, and all the disagreements that we have with the government, we kind of see the world as a bad place, usually. It's kind of like what I saw through the water. From where I was, all I could see was the foggy, dark layer. It looked bad, just like how we see the world, but maybe we're just looking at it wrong.
Through this thick, foggy cover, I could also see something else, something less 'grey'. I could see the sunlight. Through this dark, blanket of water, I could see the sun shining high above me, and when I took the goggles off and came up above the water, it was bright and sunny! I think that this compares a lot to how we see the world. We are seeing the world we live in or maybe even our lives through this foggy layer or cover. Maybe, just maybe, that's the wrong way to look at it. Maybe we should be looking at it "without the goggles." The world isn't all bad, it's not all "foggy and grey." Look outside and look at the trees, the flowers, the blue skies, the white clouds. It's all so beautiful, but you can't see the beauty unless you look at it without your goggles. If you look at it through the thick, foggy layer, then all you see is 'a dead tree' or 'a cloudy, dark sky.' But if you look at clearly, then you will see a beautiful tree, beautiful nature, beautiful clouds, and a warm sun. God created this earth with such beauty, and because of the goggles we are wearing, we can't see it. I started out talking about the state of the economy, well it's not all bad either. Sure it's not in good shape, but God has a plan, right? Don't we believe He can do anything? Without the foggy layer, we can say, "Well sure, the economy's not as good as it needs to be, but hey God can do with it what he wants."
There are a trillion and one amazing things about life and about the world, but we can't see or experience these things if we're under the water with goggles on. We have to come out of the water and look behind or over the layer that's keeping us from seeing it. I know we can its there, and I know that we have the ability to see it, but we have to want to and we have to try to. Life is amazing, this world is amazing, let's look at it in an amazing way!

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