Friday, October 15, 2010

Politics... Just A Thought.

Instead of waiting 6 months to write a lengthy post, maybe it's a better idea to write short posts about all the different things going through my, here's something I needed to get out.

So…. it’s political madness on TV. I guess since it’s election time, every single commercial is an ad for who to vote for…
But I’ve realized that no longer are the ads persuading us who to vote for… no. Now they’re persuading us who NOT to vote for. It drives me CRAZY…

Here’s why:
Every campaign ad/commercial completely tears down the opposing candidate that “said person” is running against… for whatever they may be running for. Can we not promote ourselves enough that we have sunk so low to tear down others in order to bring ourselves higher?
I can’t vote yet. BUT if I could… I wouldn’t vote for someone who trashes their opponent on TV but can’t promote themselves. I would vote for the person that says what THEY are going to do, not what their opponent ISN’T going to do.
If you have to trash your opponent in order to get votes, then you must not have any good ideas… because you obviously have nothing good to say about yourself. I wouldn’t vote for someone that has to lift themselves higher by ruining others.
Just a small political thought. Am I the only one’s who has noticed this lately?

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