Saturday, October 2, 2010

I Procrastinate.

I am the world's biggest procrastinator.

But now, as I'm sitting, with ear buds in, music on, ice pack on my neck, trying to recover from my tonsil surgery, I figured I could finally stop procrastinating and write this long, long, long awaited blog.

First of all, the new name.

Hephzibah: Me delight is in her; my delight is in my child.

Back, many, many years ago, the first BarlowGirl song that was ever produced was put as a hidden track on their very first self-titled CD. The song was called "Image." One of the lyrics says, "It's in me that my God takes delight."

Well, many years later, I discovered this band and this song. And I remember when I first heard Rebecca Barlow's testimony. In it she recited this verse that God spoke to her from Isaiah which says "You shall no longer be called forsaken or desolate, but you will be called Hephzibah, for it's in you that your God takes delight."

I didn't think as much of this back then... but just recently, this verse has become my favorite verse and Hephzibah has become my favorite word. I've pasted sticky notes with this verse all around my room and read it as often as I can. I think, [especially as girls,] we spend so much time telling ourselves how worthless we are or how ugly and forsaken we are... Which is either because of what we see when we look in the mirror, or what we hear from people around us, or whatever it may be. We take those thoughts and tear ourselves down.

I love this verse because it reminds us of how highly God thinks of us as His children. He doesn't want us to call ourselves those names, but instead He gives us a new name. And this new name, simply says that He takes delight in us. 

I love HEPHZIBAH because at first look, nobody knows what it means. I love being able to explain to people that this is God's given name to His children for He takes delight in them.

Next, yes, I got my tonsils taken out yesterday. I've had throat infections for more than a month now and every time one would go away, a new one would come. I think I've been on about every antibiotic out there. And I am officially sick of medicine. So, after going to the Ear, Nose, Throat doctor, he said I had to have my tonsils removed immediately, and that's how I ended up here... in extreme pain.

Definitely not the funnest thing I've ever done in my life. But I did face a few of my fears so I guess that's a plus.

Thirdly, I can never seem to write a blog post without talking about a movie... so I just have one word: INCEPTION. If you haven't already seen it, then go see it. If you have, then go see it again. :) Seriously, the only movie that I didn't regret paying 10 ridiculous dollars for because it was that worth it. After all the hype about it, my brother and I went to go see if it was as spectacular as everyone claimed. Well, it was. We both walked out of the theater with mouths open, saying "whoa." It was just that good. I'd definitely pay to see it again.

Let's see... what else is going on? Well, I started my second year of college, which up until now was going great. I have 4 classes: Economics, Pre-Calculus, Psychology, and Spanish... and I've discovered one thing:

I. Love. Learning.

I absolutely love sitting in class and getting new things planted into my little brain. Then, I love going home and doing homework (depending on the amount) and telling people the new things I've  learned. I feel like I gain more knowledge and get smarter everyday, which is a great feeling. I never want to stop learning.

Finally, I seriously have the best family in the whole entire world. I'm 100% sure they couldn't get any better and I'm extremely thankful for them everyday.

<3 Amy

Below I shall post some pictures I have recently taken and edited... I've been kind of obsessed with this editing website, If you want to see all of the pictures, then  visit my flickr. Which is *HERE*

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