Sunday, February 14, 2010

Happy Love Day :)

Wow, so I haven't written a blog in almost a month. That's actually pretty terrible. I apologize. I guess I was waiting for something to come to me, instead of rambling on about stuff I always talk about.

But, since I wrote my first real post on Valentines Day of 2008, it seemed only fit to do another Valentine's Day post 2 years later.

I think it takes a cheesy, corny, lovey-dovey day like February 14 to remind me of the love I recieve each and every day. One of my friends posted something on facebook today saying "Why do people set aside one day to show their love for others? Shouldn't you spend your entire life showing someone you love them?"

And so while reading that, I was thinking... um, duh! We dedicate a whole day to show love to those around us... normally interpreted as boyfriends, girlfriends, fiances, and spouses. But, really, each and every day should be like Valentine's Day. The love that we have for others doesn't really get pushed aside those 364 other days of every year... in reality, that love is always there, it just takes us this one day to remember it.  Lately, Valentine's Day has just been a huge reminder for me. Seeing all those roses, hearts, animals, and candy in the store just reminds me that I have an everlasting, unconditional love from my Holy Father, and no matter how badly I screw up, He doesn't stop loving me.

This Valentines's Day has also sparked a new idea of self respect. I jokingly posted somewhere that I was going to buy myself a rose for Valentine's Day, and I got a lot of response. One of my friends thought it was a really good idea, and we decided we could build up some self confidence from this holiday. I think our worldly view of Valentine's Day automatically makes us think of that romantic love... but I think that Valentine's Day is also just an amazing reminder of the love we need to have for ourselves... and then the love that God has for us.

Each second of every day, I will know that God loves me, and so do the people around me. But sometimes, a candy heart might have to remind me that this IS truth. It's easy to forget.  So, I think Valentine's Day truly is a good holiday. A holiday for us to show love to all those around us, family, friends, and other people. And also know that we are receiving it from God.

So, just a quick post for Valentine's Day and to say I love all of you! My family and friends mean the absolute world to me :) And I love you all!

*Amy <3

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