Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Psychology Journal Entry

I had to write a journal entry for my psychology class and when I was reading over it, I really liked it, so here it is:

P.S.-it has to be all about friends, and other stuff that I have learned in that class.

I do not at the moment belong to any social group or clique. This is because I am homeschooled so I don’t really have the opportunity. I do not attend any clubs, and I don’t live in a neighborhood so I don’t see too many people. I was still attending school two months ago, and then I was in a social group. I was always with band students because those are the people I was most around, but now I am perfectly fine not being in a group anymore. I do think that I have made it into Kohlberg’s post-conventional stage of thinking. I like to be different and I live by not conforming to this world and the things around me. I like to be just myself and who I am, so I don’t do things because people tell me to. I really do things because I feel they are right. As an example, a little while ago, I had to choose to keep my best friend that I had for seven years, or leave. I chose to leave. Even though it sounds crazy, I knew it was the right thing to do. I feel like I have a grasp on what is right and wrong based on how I feel. In Erikson’s stage of identity versus identity confusion, I feel like I am still searching for my role. I do not know my role in life. There are many things that I am good at, and many things that I am not good at. I’m still trying to find out who I really am and my purpose in this world. Friendship is a hard word for me because of situations I have been through. I think that friendship really means a close relationship with someone. Whether that person lives next door, or a thousand miles away, friendship should just be a close bond with someone. I think that trust is a huge part of friendship. To find someone that you can fully trust is hard, but if you do then you know you have a real friend. By having a friend, you can gain many things. You can gain more love, and encouragement. You can also just gain a person to talk to when you need them. But on the contrary, I think that you can also lose things from a friendship, and an important thing to remember is to let that person be who they are, and to love them for who they are and not what you want them to be. In order for me to be their friend, a person only needs one thing. That one thing is to just be who they are. For someone to be my friend, I want them to feel like they can be them self around me and not try to change because of who I am. I don’t want a friendship to have expectations; I just want it to be a bond between two people. When I have a problem, I turn to my mom or dad. Sometimes, it is easier for me to talk with my dad because he is extremely intelligent. He has been through every possible situation in life, and he really is just a walking book of life lessons. Other times, though, I go to my mom with problems because like all moms, she is loving and caring. She knows how to make me feel better in all sorts of ways.

1 comment:

  1. Well said, I'm going to give you and "A" for the Journal entry!! LOL
    I think I qualify nicely as a teacher?? hehhee!!
