Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Constantly Changing

I'm a few days overdue for a new picture.
So, we were' driving home from Jacksonville a few weeks ago and I was just staring ahead. (I lost my MP3 player, so I was kind of bored) Anyways, I was staring at the sky and when I looked away for literally like a minute, the sky would look completely different when I looked back.  It was so crazy. It was changing dramatically and I didn't even notice it. One second it was blue, the next it was gray. One minute it had big clouds, the next minute there was none. It was so strange, but cool to watch the sky change like that and I didn't even know it.  I couldn't watch it change, it just did.

Well, again, like always, this got me thinking.  God is kind of the same way.  He is constantly working in us, changing us, but we don't always notice it. I think that a lot of times, we think that God isn't working in us. We get frustrated because we think God isn't changing us. But in reality, He is and we just can't see it yet.  Just like the sky changes in seconds, without me even realizing it, God changes us, we just don't always notice it.  I didn't know the sky was changing. I didn't know that if I looked away and looked back, it would be different. It just happened.  God is working inside of us, each and every day.  We might think He isn't, but He really is.  A long, long time ago when I used to go to Sunday School, my teacher always talked about faith. I will never forget, every time she said the word, she would ask the same kid what it meant, because she liked his definition. He always said, "Faith is believing in something you can't see." That applies here too.  We don't always feel like God is changing us, we don't always feel like He is working inside of us, but He is.  And we just have to have faith that He is.  I couldn't see the sky changing, but I believed that it was because it was different.  I guess in this case, you don't have to see it to believe it. :) That miraculous sky that was once gray, turned orange in a split second. Maybe, in this split-second, God is changing something inside of you. You may not see it now, but you will. And it will be beautiful, just like the sky.

"In a flash, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trumpet. For the trumpet will sound, the dead will be raised imperishable, and we will be changed." 
1 Corinthians 15:52

*Amy :)

P.S. Guess where I'm off to on Friday?! BarlowGirl/Superchick concert!!! SOO excited! Cannot wait to post pics when I get back!!!!!

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