Tuesday, November 3, 2009

100th Post- Answers

Ok, now I promised that no matter how many questions I got, I would answer them. So, I will :)
Thanks to my cousin from bringing the one up to 2 :)

So, here you go.

1. Sal asked:
Why did you decide to start doing photography and how did you get started?

Ok, so my cousin is an amazing photographer. (Website) and my other cousin also has a big passion for it. (Blog.)  Besides just them, I always go on photographer's websites and look at their pictures. My favorite used to always be BarlowGirl's cousin, Sarah (Website) She is so good and I used to be so jealous that people could take pictures like that. They're so fun to look at... so anyways, a few years ago I bought a small, very bad quality camcorder.  My purpose for buying it was to take videos. But when I figured out it would take pictures too, I got excited and started taking pictures of EVERYTHING. I had hundreds and hundreds of pictures. I was so proud of them too.  When I opened my eyes and realized how terrible quality they were, I saved up and bought a good camera, which I use now.  I don't really do it a lot, but when I go places or I feel like it, I take pictures... I have one brother who I use as my model and also my dog. I like taking pictures of things like my guitar and books and pens...etc.  So, that's how I got started. Inspiration from other photographers and a wimpy camcorder :) I decided to start taking pictures because it's fun. I really like seeing the result from doing it.  Pictures can say so much and it really makes you feel great when you take a really good one.  But I don't think I'll ever go professional. It's really just a fun hobby.
If you want to see some amazing photographer's work, here are the ones I love:
Joy Wilson
Danette Chappell
Incandescent  (My cousin)
Sarah Anne
Jessica Mooney
Cassie Scott
Gheman Photography
Olive Tree

2. Melissa asked:
What fictional character do you think you are most like-and of course- why?  

This one really had to make me think. I know so many fictional characters... hmmmm...

A fictional book and movie character, I would say Lucy from The Chronicles Of Narnia. Lucy is the youngest, unlike me, but I feel like she's the strongest.  When all the people around her try to plan and figure out the way to do things, Lucy puts every inch of her trust and faith in Aslan. She knows that only He can save them and help them.  The scene I will always remember from the 2nd movie, Prince Caspian was close to the end.  Both armies are running and in battle. They are going full speed as fast as they can and then they stop. They get to a river, and before they move forward, Lucy appears from behind the hill.  Small, weak, young Lucy with a tiny sword in her hand.  They all stand there, looking at her, probably thinnking, "What? Is that suppose to scare us? That little girl?" And then right before they run towards her, Aslan appears from behind Lucy and stands right next to her.  That sight of Aslan gave them all some fear, I'm sure.  This is how I feel.  I am so weak and helpless by myself. But with Christ standing next to me, I am strong and noone can hurt me.  I don't think I'm as fearless or as strong as Lucy just yet, but I strive to become more like her every day.

Out of all the fictional characters I know, she is definitely the one that I compare myself to the most. 

Thanks for the questions!!! If ever you want to ask more, I will gladly answer! :)

1 comment:

  1. Hey there Amy!
    I saw that someone came to my blog today because of the link on your blog and so I stopped by yours! Wow, I was so humbled to read that you've been inspired by me! :-) You have sucha passion for photography it seems...don't lose it!
    Anyway...just wanted to stop by and say hello!
    Jessica Mooney
