Saturday, February 11, 2012

Happy Valentin... blah blah blah.

Valentine’s Day always reminds me that I’m single and alone.

Then I remember I’m only a teenager.

Why do I think I need a boyfriend to be happy in life? It might be the cheesy movies, TV shows, songs, music videos, pictures, billboards, magazine covers, cute couples in the mall, $100 boxes of chocolate, life-size teddy bears, flowers, restaurant ads, need I continue?

The Internet and media have pretty much made me believe that I need a guy to get anywhere in life.

But I realize now that this is so wrong and misleading.

I think I’ve written about it before, but it doesn’t hurt to repeat myself. I realize now that these single years of my life are so important to me. I think God gave us this period in our life so that we can find ourselves and what’s important to each of us individually.

My Mom told me the other day that she didn’t fall in love until she decided that she was happy on her own. This was a big revelation to me. When I sit around and try to plan out my life, I always leave an empty spot for a boy. [No wonder I’m still single.] After hearing what my Mom had to say, I’ve found a new way to live my life. Instead of planning my whole world around a guy that I have yet to meet, I’m going to start living in a way that makes me happy within myself. I have so many goals set for myself that I hope to reach one day. And I see now that I can reach all of these by myself. Realizing that made me figure out what truly is most important to me. I want to get the best education I can, and then from that, build a good career for myself. It's time for me to embrace my independence. 

It’s important for me to build this life for myself and make myself happy by accomplishing the things I want to accomplish in life. As my Aunt always says to me, “There will be time for boys later.”

I always thought that I would need a boyfriend to make me happy or experience my life with me. But, now I realize that I have to be happy with my life before I’ll ever be able to let someone else in. It’s important for me to build a life for myself that I can be happy and proud of. And once I accept that I’m happy within myself and okay with where I am alone, then I can allow someone else to be a part of my life with me. And by that time, hopefully that someone will exist. ;)

This Valentine’s Day is a reminder to me that I can be happy on my own. I’m young and I have a whole life ahead of me. I have the opportunity to make something great out of myself and do extraordinary things. I have the entire world in front of me. I can be happy on my own. I have an amazing family, incredible friends, and a God that will love me no matter what happens. Nothing more can make me happier.

I’m thankful for my 18th single Valentine’s Day. I need this time in life to become happy with who I am. It also takes these times for me to realize that I have great potential and an amazing life ahead of me.  Most importantly, when the Creator of Love loves me unconditionally, what more could I possibly want out of life?

Jesus is my Valentine. No roses, chocolates, or boy could ever beat that. 

1 comment:

  1. Amy-

    I can relate to how you are feeling. I've never had a boyfriend and I somtimes wish I had one. It seems like everyone has a boyfriend and I don't. I wonder if any boy will ever love me, but just like you said we have to be happy and content with ourselves so then others can let someone else be a part of our life and love us as well. How true that Jesus is our Valentine and you cannot get a better valentine than that!! Thanks for the reminder Amy.
