Thursday, October 13, 2011

It's Me

When writing papers for school, I try to stick to the facts and keep far away my personal views and opinions. This past week, I had to write a biography for a scholarship I was trying to apply for. My first draft was straight facts about my life, my education history and a little about my hobbies. The lady reviewing the applications read my biography and basically told me to rewrite it and add more about "me." Obviously, since I want a chance at the scholarship, I took this awfully seriously and ended up putting way more of myself into a "school" paper than I ever have before. It was terrifying. But I'm pretty glad to say that i'm proud of the result. I have read it out loud to myself more than 2500 times today, and I feel like I portrayed myself exactly how I want to be viewed. I figured I would share on here just the final section of the biography, which discusses my future college/career goals.
I plan to continue my education by transferring to a University as a Psychology major. I have been a very indecisive person most of my life, never really knowing what I wanted to do. I’ve switched back and forth between various career options and majors multiple times. But, there has always been one thing that has never changed. That is my immense love for people. My heart immediately breaks when I that hear someone is going through a tough time. I hurt when other people are hurting. And I will do everything in my power to make someone smile when they’re having a bad day. I know what’s it’s like to feel insecure and worthless. I’ve experienced the feeling of hopelessness when you think that nothing you do is good enough.  It’s exactly for these reasons that my ultimate goal is to eventually work in a treatment center for girls with eating disorders, mood disorders, and addictions. It’s these girls that need someone to feel for them and these are the girls that need love the most. These are the people my heart breaks for and these are the people I want to help. I want to show them their value and turn their heartbreak and hurt into joy. People often times say they want to grow up and change the world. I feel like by helping others find joy and worth within themselves, I can do just that: change the world one individual at a time. One of my greatest inspirations is James Barnett, the founder of ‘Clothe Your Neighbor as Yourself’, which is a non-profit organization that sells t-shirts and uses the money to clothe people in need. He said it best when he said, “Only by 'doing' can we begin to offer hope and love to a world who’s cup is half empty.” If I can spend the rest of my life using what I have learned and experienced to help others then I will have reached ultimate success. 

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