Thursday, June 17, 2010

Not Sure How To Title This

Yeah... Um...

Saying "sorry" won't cut it... so I'm just going to cover my face in shame for not posting in FOREVER... literally.
Sooo... I'm sitting here thinking of what to post and since I've had a lot going on... (Sort of), I'll just post some movies I've seen, songs I've heard, videos I've watched, etc. to... share a little tiny bit of my life for the past few months.

First of all,
I finally saw 'The Blind Side' when it came out on DVD... and it is absolutely one of my new favorite movies of all time. I always love Sandra Bullock, and throughout this whole movie, I just kept saying "Wow, I love her character" over and over again. I'm sure I was driving my family crazy as I shared my amazement throughout the whole film. Her character was one of the most selfless characters I've ever seen in a movie, but yet, she was so funny. She had an attitude and didn't like to be recognized for her "good deeds" but her heart was SO big... and you could see it. The way her and her family interacted in the movie was also incredible. The whole movie was just great. It definitely deserved the academy award that it won. The actors were amazing, the plot was great, [especially since it was based on a true story] and most of all, the personalities of the characters was just beyond words. I absolutely loved it....

In one scene, Leanne says something that I'll never forget.
Her friend is looking at Big Mike and how much he has changed since Leanne and her family have taken him in... and she says "You're really changing that boy's life."
and Leanne (Sandra Bullock) looks away and smiles and says, "No, he's changing mine."

I will always remember this because it meant something to me. Sometimes, whether we know it or not, we may change someone's life or have an impact on someone... maybe something we say or something we do can impact someone deep enough to change them... but the beauty in this isn't in "us changing the other person" but... the change that comes inside of US when we can impact someone else's life. Leanne was completely changing Big Mike's life. She had given him home, family, hope, and goals.... but in the end, she was the one being changed by him.

I encourage everyone to go see this movie. You'll DEFINITELY laugh, you might shed a tear, you'll smile, you'll "awww" and you won't waste your time. This movie is worth watching. Click *HERE* for trailer.

NEXT, I wanted to share this website that I "stumbled upon" recently... this month actually, thanks to my lovely twitter friends.

The main goal/mission or point of this website is to help the way girls see themselves... "one post-it note at a time." So, basically anyone that's contributed to the website has put a post-it note or some kind of note somewhere out in the world with a positive message on it. Usually something like, "you are beautiful."
It's so interesting and fun to go through all of the posts and see where all these notes are stuck around the world... in bathrooms, on beaches, books, clothing stores, schools, walls, windows, diet medicines, doors, etc.

Their mission is to spread positivity, by showing/telling girls that they are beautiful just for being themselves. Not just by appearance, but also by inward beauty... to boost self confidence and end "self-hate."

I fell in love with this website because I can just imagine some random girl walking around and finding a note with a positive message on it that says "you are beautiful" or "you are loved." Those are the kinds of messages that girls need to hear everyday, and need to learn to tell themselves. It's amazing to think how one small post-it note could change lives around the world. Just 3 simple words, or more, written on a piece of paper could impact someone's life so greatly.

Anyways, it's really neat to check out the website and all the different people that have contributed to it and look at all the pictures. :)

And finally, I found a really cool video recently that is definitely worth checking out.

'Sunday's Coming' ("Movie Trailer")

I think I may have watched this video close to ten times and I laugh every time. I quote it day and night.... it's hilarious... It makes me laugh so hard... but I think the funniest part of this whole video is how true it is. This video is the most accurate, clear description of a "mega-church" today and how we have strayed SO far away from displaying any sort of relationship with Christ in an organized institution.Our church is a rock concert with speakers.

The funniest part of this video may be the most pathetic.

Sooo... there's a few links and thoughts for now....
and I think I'll put a little more effort into posting more than every 2 months ;)


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