Thursday, April 30, 2009

I believe in Love-BarlowGirl: Week #3

Ok, so it's about time for another song. I'm not sure which one to do, so I will chose a barlowGirl song, since of course that is my favorite band... (Just a side note, Barlowgirl is currently on vacation with their family after being in the studio for a few months, and their new album will come out September 22nd, also they will be touring with Superchick this fall!)

Anyways, this song is called "I believe in Love" (on my playlist below)
Here are the lyrics:

How long will my prayers seem unanswered?
Is there still faith in me to reach the end?
I'm feeling doubt I'm losing faith
But giving up would cost me everything
So I'll stand in the pain and silence
And I'll speak to the dark night

I believe in the sun even when it's not shining
I believe in love even when I don't feel it
And I believe in God even when He is silent
And I, I believe

Though I can't see my stories ending
That doesn't mean the dark night has no end
It's only here that I find faith
And learn to trust the one who writes my days
So I'll stand in the pain and silence
And I'll speak to the dark night

I believe in the sun even when it's not shining
I believe in love even when I don't feel it
And I believe in God even when He is silent
And I, I believe

No dark can consume Light
No death greater than this life
We are not forgotten
Hope is found when we say

Even when He is silent I believe in the sun even when it's not shining
I believe in love even when I don't feel it
And I believe in God even when He is silent
And I, I believe.

The middle sister in BarlowGirl usually gives a speech before this song about where it came from, the lyrics, this is what she says... (it's about a story she heard about a man in a concentration camp during the holocaust)

"The quote just simply said, I believe in the sun even when it's not shining. I believe in love even when I don't feel it. I believe in God even when he is silent. And guys that quote just shook me that day, because, to be honest there's a man, who's going through one of the darkest times in history, he probably lost everything, he probably lost his family. Guys, here he was, instead of looking at those walls and saying, 'Why God, why? Why me? Why do I have to give me life, why do I have to lose everything?' Guys, instead of looking at those walls in despair, he wrote who his god is on those walls that were meant to keep him down, that were meant to keep him discouraged. He spoke to that darkness, he spoke to that trap, he spoke to that person, he said, 'you know what? Maybe you can stick me in a cell, maybe you can keep me here, but my God is bigger.' I think that guy is telling us, 'Who are you? Who are you concentration camp?' Before my God you are nothing."

I really think that she sums it all up right there. I think that the lyrics to this song are just incredibly powerful, because when you think about it it is all true. The sun may not be shining one day, but we still believe it is there. We may feel absolutely, and completely unloved by everyone, but we still believe in love, and we can just feel like God has abandoned us and He is gone, but honestly, He isn't. He is still here with us, every moment of every day. Even in our darkest, worst moments, God is there. He is with us, and He is loving us.

I think that my favorite line in this whole song is in the second verse, "And learn to trust the one who writes my days." I love that line.

God is writing our days. He knows everything about us and He will always be there. I think that trusting in God is something that we all have to learn. Just trusting, that He will lead and guide us every step of our lives, no matter how hard it gets.

I like the bridge too, and i have a quote actually from the same Barlowgirl, that goes along with it and says this...

"Darkness can never overcome light. No matter what an opposition, no matter what a situation looks like, it is never greater than who God is and it is never stronger than what God is about to do in our lives."

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