Monday, March 16, 2009

Free Rice!

There is a website called
This website is set up to help stop hunger around the world. When you enter the website, you can choose from different subjects including, English, geography, Spanish, French, German, math, and more. The website will ask many multiple choice questions on whichever subject you choose. For every question that you get right, 10 grains of rice will be donated to countries all around the world that are starving.
While, helping many people live longer, you will also be learning. For example, one of the categories under the subject of English is vocabulary. I have been playing for only a little while and already know tons of new words. The website automatically changes your level to give you either harder or easier questions. It also repeats each question you get wrong, to give you another chance. The website has a FAQ where you can read all about it but to give some more info, I will tell you that it is completely free for you. The donated rice is payed for by sponsers which are shown at the bottom of the site. The website also receives no money, it’s only purpose is entirely to stop hunger around the world. So, if you ever have time, or want to learn some new things, then go to and play a little while. The questions keep on going, so there really is no end. You can just stop whenever you feel tired of it. You can also change the subject and the level that you are playing… Hey, even if you just answer one question right, that is 10 grains of rice for a starving person around the world!
Hope you enjoy! Have fun!!!


P.S. I sent this to some people through email... and I just copied and pasted it here! :)

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