Thursday, March 1, 2012

Stay Strong.

March 1st is National Self Injury Awareness Day. Typically described as a day to help spread awareness about the seriousness and misconceptions of self injury and mental health. It's also a day for people to wear orange or write love on their wrists as encouragement for all the people currently dealing with self-harm.

Things always seem to become more real when statistics are thrown in. Between two and three million people in just the United States exhibit some type of self-abuse behavior, including eating disorders like anorexia. 1 in every 200 girls ages 13-19 cuts herself regularly. Several studies show that 1 in every 100 people who is admitted to the hospital for self harm will die of suicide within a year of the self harm. Keep in mind that these few statistics are only based on people hospitalized for their self injury. The millions of others who keep it a secret aren't accounted for.

History of abuse, overly-stressed, feeling worthless, low self esteem, loneliness, fear, depression, anxiety, curiosity, and a need for control are just some of the many reasons teenagers give for self-injuring.

When Demi Lovato got out of rehab last year for self-injury issues, as well as eating disorders, she revealed the tattoos on her wrists. Her left wrist says "Stay" and her right wrist says "Strong." She got the tattoos as a permanent reminder to herself that she could be strong enough to overcome the feelings of worthlessness and hopelessness. The ink on her skin was there to remind her that she WAS good enough. Demi Lovato's story is what made me decide to study Psychology when I attend a University this fall.

I know that God has protected me from a lot of the hurt that many girls and guys go through when their feelings of hopelessness reach their skin. I know that sometimes the only thing keeping me strong is knowing that even when I feel the whole world has given up on me, God hasn't.

We can be ashamed of the things we've done, but God isn't ashamed of us. His heart breaks knowing that we're hurting, but His love is still there holding us together. God made us all such beautiful creations, in His image. In the image of God, we were made to be perfectly His. No matter what the crazy world will tell you or throw at you, that is still reason enough to keep going. Don't let your fears, anxieties, feelings, or depression allow you to ruin the body God has given you. Don't let it keep you from living your life to the fullest you can.

Those moments when you feel worthless, like there is no hope for you at all, remember that God sees you as His precious child. He doesn't see your darkness or your scars. He sees right through that to your heart and He surrounds you in His love. Just like it says in Isaiah, we should no longer see ourselves as desolate, or deserted, because God has given us a new name. Hephzibah, meaning "My delight is in my child."

God sees our brokenness, He sees our fears, He sees our hurt, and none of that stops Him from loving us unconditionally. That's reason enough to stay strong.

Every moment you put down the blade and walk away, you're saving your own life. You're having the courage and strength to go on just one more day. You're being your own hero.

On this day, my heart breaks for all the teenagers out there dealing with self-injury. My heart aches for those of us who feel as though our life is no longer worth living. But I remember that there is hope and there is a light. I know that God's love is surrounding every single one of us no matter what we're going through. Knowing that he sees me as His precious daughter and takes delight in me as His child is reason enough for me to stay strong.

Just one more breath. One more minute. One more day. One less scar.

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