Sunday, March 29, 2009

Demolition Derby

Last night, my dad, Mike, and I went to a Demo Derby at the fair in my town. it was cool... if you like cars thrashing eachother! :) Yeah I liked the fair it was really fun and watching the cars crash eachother was pretty cool. I took some pictures so here they are..

Sunday, March 22, 2009


Hey guys!

My cousin has inspired me to start writing poetry. So I wrote some poems in the past 2 or 3 days. I only wrote 3, but I thought that I would post them on here... These are 2 of them...

The 3rd one is on the other computer so I can't get to it right now but it's about BarlowGirl...

So here they are...


By Amy Yarick

I saw all the pictures,
The movies, the shows
All the people with
A perfect body and nose
The I stare in the mirror
And look at me
I hate who I am
I hate what I see
Why can’t I be perfect
Why don’t I look right
I tried so hard
With all of my might
Then one day
I changed my thinking
And looked somewhere different
For my defining
I looked to my savior, my maker,
My lover
Who showed me I’m pretty
Without my cover
Now when I look in the mirror
I change my view
I smile at myself
And see something new
God thinks I’m beautiful
Just for being me
And that’s exactly who
He created me to be.

“Under those lies”
by Amy Yarick

I walked through the doors
Dressed up so nice
Looked around me
Everything was so precise
Then I take my seat
In the very last row
Trying to blend in
Maybe no one will know
They start to sing songs
And I try to sing along
But it’s so hard to do
When the lyrics aren’t true
Now those around me
Stand and shake hands
Then they begin to discuss
Their lunch plans
I try very hard
To wear my fake smile
But no one around me
Knows my denial
Now the man is done speaking
But I heard nothing he said
My appearance is bright
But my inside is dead
How could I not see
This place was a lie
I had no guts
I was just too shy
Maybe now I can open my eyes
To the person inside me
Under those lies

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Birthday is coming up... quickly!


In 5 days on march 24, 2009, I am turning 15 years old! I'm really excited. On Sunday, my aunt, uncle, my cousins, my grandparents and my mom's friends are coming over for lunch... and cake! I'm excited! 15 is going to be really BIG! I am going to start driving, try the CPT (college placement test), maybe start looking for a job, and just "growing up." I'm a little scared, because it's SO much! But I know I can do it so yeah. But anyways, I'm excited about my little party on Sunday. It should be fun! So tomorrow and Saturday, I have to take a class and study for my permit test and then on Tuesday, hopefully, I am going to take my Driver's liscence permit test! I can;t wait for that... (but my parent's can!)

Anyways, I might have some pictures to post Sunday, so stay posted! :)

Oh and also, many posts back, I posted some "Siggies" that I make on the the one on my title (AmyChristine). Well, anyways, I make those a lot. (mostly BarlowGirl) but you can see them all at The album password is romans12_2


Monday, March 16, 2009

The Beach

Hey guys,

I just wanted to share some pictures from our trip to Clearwater, Florida! It was fun.. (not just because it was the same day as the BarlowGirl concert) but because it was just really relaxing and fun! We were in walking distance from the beach and our hotel was super cool. Anyways, enjoy!

Free Rice!

There is a website called
This website is set up to help stop hunger around the world. When you enter the website, you can choose from different subjects including, English, geography, Spanish, French, German, math, and more. The website will ask many multiple choice questions on whichever subject you choose. For every question that you get right, 10 grains of rice will be donated to countries all around the world that are starving.
While, helping many people live longer, you will also be learning. For example, one of the categories under the subject of English is vocabulary. I have been playing for only a little while and already know tons of new words. The website automatically changes your level to give you either harder or easier questions. It also repeats each question you get wrong, to give you another chance. The website has a FAQ where you can read all about it but to give some more info, I will tell you that it is completely free for you. The donated rice is payed for by sponsers which are shown at the bottom of the site. The website also receives no money, it’s only purpose is entirely to stop hunger around the world. So, if you ever have time, or want to learn some new things, then go to and play a little while. The questions keep on going, so there really is no end. You can just stop whenever you feel tired of it. You can also change the subject and the level that you are playing… Hey, even if you just answer one question right, that is 10 grains of rice for a starving person around the world!
Hope you enjoy! Have fun!!!


P.S. I sent this to some people through email... and I just copied and pasted it here! :)

Sunday, March 8, 2009

The Barlowgirl concert (A.K.A. best night of my life!)

Guess what??? We are back from the concert!!! Well not just the most amazing concert ever...but also an amazing vacation in Clearwater, Florida on the beach in the coolest hotel ever! But forget that, let's talk about the concert!!! WOW WOW WOW WOW! it was the best night of my life until it was over. They played a NEW song from their NEW CD that doesn't come out until July and I'm going to post the video here. I also took tons of pics but they did not all turn out good so I'll just post some. So anyways, they played like 6 or 7 amazing songs with an acoustic guitar, bongo and Alyssa rocked out the piano. they did absolutely amazing. Becca broke a string at the beginning of the concert but then got it fixed and afterwards they had a Q & A session which was really cool. Everyone could ask questions and they answered them on stage. it was really cool to hear them talk. they are SO real! I love them even more now. it's so much better to see them live! Anyways here are some pics...
^Link for the video i took at the concert (Beautiful Ending by BarlowGirl for their new album)
Watch it!! it's SO amazing, and it just shows how incredible these girls are!