Wednesday, April 14, 2010

"You Found Me"-- Interpretations.


I'm sorry it's been forever. But I have something to say right now that can't wait. What better place than to write is my abandoned blog?

I was at a church youth group tonight, and the pastor spoke about a message, in which he incorporated a song that I know very well. He basically gave the down sides of the song and why he doesn't classify it as a 'Christian' song. I have a strong opinion on this certain topic... so I decided to go ahead and let it out :)

The message tonight was about Job. In a certain passage, [to make this as short and condensed as possible] God gave the devil permission to take away everything that Job had, except for his life. His livestock, his wealth, even his family. When it came down to it, Job did not turn away from God, but instead he praised him, and remained faithful to God.

"Naked I came from my mother's womb, and naked I will depart. The LORD gave and the LORD has taken away; may the name of the LORD be praised." Job 1:21

The song "You Found Me" by the Fray... was compared to this passage in the bible. It was said that the writer of this song, (lead singer of the band) was quite the opposite of Job.
Only a few lines were looked at tonight, but I will post the full verse and chorus:

I found God on the corner of first and amistad,
Where the west was all but won
All alone, smoking his last cigarette
I said where you've been he said ask anything
Where were you?
When everything was falling apart
When all my days were spent by the telephone
Never ring and all I needed was a call
Never came to the corner of first and amistad

Lost and insecure
You found me you found me
Lying on the floor
Surround me surround me
Why'd you have to wait
Where were you where were you
Just a little late

You found me you found me

I've been calling
For years and years and years and years
And you've never left me messages
Never send me no letters
You've got some kind of nerve
Taking all I want

So, the pastor's interpretation of the song... (in my words, and understanding) is this:
The man who wrote this was not faithful and willing like Job. He blamed and pointed his finger at God. When God took things away from him, he left God and gave up.  God is never "late" as the song says... and those last 2 lines "You've got some kind of nerve, taking all I want..." was really wrong... and it showed the personality of the man who wrote it... all of these misconceptions about God basically made this a non Christian song.... Well, I won't get into that label debate.. but I do want to give my interpretation of this song through MY eyes...

Whether we admit it or not, we've all been angry with God. When things don't go right in our lives, he always seems like the person we can blame. We may not always confess to this, but we have all been in that position where we feel like nothing is going right. 

The man who wrote this song was at that place in his life. He felt like he had lost everything he had and he felt empty. He felt as thought everything was taken away from him. When he cried out to God, he didn't think God heard him. He was at a point in life where he felt hopeless, even with God.

This song is one of the most honest songs I have ever heard in my life. This man, this songwriter poured his heart into these lyrics. He flat out, openly blamed God and he pointed his finger at God, and he asked God where he was.... but at the end of the chorus and the very end of the song... the final 3 words are always... "You found me." 

I think we look at this song in a negative way. We see this as a song that misrepresents our God. Yes, God is always there. And everything happens in His perfect timing.  He is never late... and He is never wrong...

but the point of this song wasn't to misrepresent God. This song was an out pour of feelings that showed the struggles of an average human. His whole heart was put into this song and it was completely 100% honest. 

The best part of this song is that after all the honesty, and after all the release of anger and sorrow... God found him. God didn't leave him in his misery.. "You found me."

This song reminds me a lot of 'Never Alone' by BarlowGirl. 

"I called out with no reply, and I can't feel you by my side." 

Once again, these lyrics showed the feelings of Becca, Alyssa, and Lauren at this time in their lives. Of course God is always there! But just because we know that truth, it doesn't mean we always feel it. 

In the end, we are never alone... because God will always find us, even at our worst.